A Journey From Here to *Here* - page 9

Dear Natural Medicine friends,

I have been gravely ill for around 10 days.

This has meant I've not been able to share online, nor do anything else for myself, bar the very basics.


I thought at several points to make a post here, asking for support; I do not use conventional medicine, and I know all my 'ills' to be rooted in aspects of self which require revisiting or integrating in some way.

I was reaching out into the ether at the most pain-full and impossible-to-navigate times, and couldn't feel any relief, any support, any sacred presence at all. I felt lost and helpless, and was unable to avoid the descent into panic and fear.


If we all lived healthily and connectedly as we are meant to, it would be effortless tapping into the whole, the collective, to find precisely the necessary energy, wisdom and solutions every time we are unwell...

As we are so separated, and as conventional medicine is based on coercion, submission and manipulation, my journey back to health was particularly torturous: a brief, extremely unhelpful visit to the hospital left me traumatised on multiple levels, and the only path left was surrendering to the pain - allowing it to wash over me and do precisely what it needed and wanted to do.


Those of us who seek natural solutions to our health challenges might notice the effortfulness of having to ask for help, rather than there being an infinite font of abundance to simply reach into when we need it.


I hope that the work that we are all doing to free up energy, connectedness and flow, will make it easier as time passes, for everyone to reach out for what we need, when we need it.

So many layers of what has been repressed have to be acknowledged and revisited, so many memories have to be more lucidly experienced and rewoven, so many latent capacities as consciousness embodied, have to be awoken and brought into our daily lives...

Blessings on all the beautiful work we are achieving,



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