Understanding Digestive Enzymes and Natural Alternatives for Improved Digestion

Digestive enzymes work by helping your body break down food. All enzymes end with “ase” which signifies its enzymatic nature. Let us look at my favorite digestive enzyme, Similase by Integrative Therapeutics and what it can help with. Within this supplement there is:

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(^Me after a burrito)

Amylase: This is found in mouth saliva and it begins the first wave of breaking down complex carbohydrates into simple sugars.

Protease: This breaks down proteins so that the body can utilize the amino acids locked away in meat. Protease is also important for whole body health as it breaks down cellular debris that may hang around after an injury or difficult workout, it reduces inflammation by removing highly inflammatory free-radicals, and it helps maintain energy levels by doing all these jobs.

Lactase: This breaks down milk sugars and is usually excreted in the small intestine. While only 30% of the total US population is lactose intolerant, whole countries such as Ghana and South Korea are 100% lactose intolerant (according to worldpopulationreview.com). Symptoms of lactose intolerance includes bloating, abdominal discomfort, gas, and diarrhea after consuming lactose containing products (such as milk or ice cream). Taking a digestive enzyme that includes lactase will help to alleviate and prevent these symptoms (if the enzyme is taken at the same time as the offending milkshake.)

Lipase: This breaks down fats (lip = lipids = fats). Usually Lipase is found in the pancreas and small intestine and it requires the help of bile from the Gallbladder to fully turn fats into useable material and energy for the body. Fats are a very important source of long-term and steady energy for our bodies. It is also used in the creation of hormones, so it is essential in maintaining a healthy body.

Cellulase: Breaks down cell walls (cellulose) into simple sugars.

Sucrase: Breaks down sucrose and maltose (both are two-sugar molecules) into glucose and fructose (both are one-sugar molecule).

Phytase: This enzyme is unique in that it breaks down phytic acid which binds to iron and zinc and makes it difficult for the body to absorb. Phytase comes in and breaks down phytic acid so that the body can use iron and zinc.

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Using a digestive enzyme such as Similase can supercharge your ability to digest most foods. This can alleviate many digestive upsets that are caused by the inflammation resulting from the body’s inability to break down food. Because our modern diet is full of foods that our ancient ancestors never encountered, our digestion has not had the time to catch up! Including digestive enzymes into your regular life is a great way to help your body make better use of the food you eat while also alleviating uncomfortable digestive complaints.

If you prefer to use herbs to help your body digest, Chinese Medicine has several very effective helpers! I have used one of the most popular helpers, “Curing Pills,” as a replacement for lactase after eating ice cream and the effects felt similar (results may vary)! Here are a few of the herbs found in the popular digestive formula “Bao He Wan” (also known as “Pill to Harmonize the Stomach,” a very popular and useful formula):

Shan Zha, Hawthorne berry: Used for digesting meat and can lower cholesterol. Try a cup of hot Hawthorne berry tea after your next trip to a Korean BBQ restaurant. That uncomfortably full stomach will magically deflate after one cup!

Lai Fu Zi, Radish seed: Aids digestion. I have heard that at the end of a multi-course meal in China, you know that the meal is over when they bring out the radish soup (to help digest all those courses you just put away.)

Chen Pi, Aged Tangerine Peel: Harmonizes stomach, reduces nausea/vomiting. In the west we include a small amount of citrus at the end of a meal (think of that single slice of orange they put on your plate at the diner), the citrus helps to boost the acidity of your stomach thereby helping the breakdown of your meal! In TCM we use several types of citrus peels to move Qi to prevent food from staying too long in one place.

Shen Qu, Medicated Leaven: Harmonizes stomach, helps in digesting grains and minerals. Do not use if you are gluten-sensitive or have Celiac disease.

If you prefer a digestive pill or a cup of hot tea after a big meal, take your pick from above! I highly recommend finding a digestive enzyme that contains multiple of the afore-mentioned enzymes to try out and experience the difference a fully charged digestive system makes! If you do not want to add another pill to your day, I recommend going to an Asian food market and picking up a bag of dried Hawthorne berries or tea bags to make tea with after meat heavy meals. With either option you will be amazed at the difference it will make.

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