Autobiography of a Jogi - Diary Blog Stardate 2

Gooday dear reader

i'm picking up again this new free-style blog of mine which i started two days ago


i just stumbled upon this post by @ericvancewalton in which he has begun to serialise his book The Perfect Pause - Meditating Your Way to the Ultimate You.

I really like Eric's style of writing, having previously read his book Alarm Clock Dawn, which was the first serialised book published on a blockchain. i could tell when reading that book that he had a depth of consciousness not seen so often. i could sense that he knew who or what he really was (is). Having just read the Prologue and Chapter one of The Perfect Pause so far, i can feel that even more. Here are a couple of snippets from the the Prologue

"After a few months of practicing meditation something miraculous began to happen. I began to notice that I was starting to slowly heal from the inside out. I felt more relaxed, I began to eat healthier, had better concentration, and was flooded with a general sense of well-being."

"Getting to know your true self through meditation takes courage and it takes work. Each meditation session is like charging your cell phone battery. If you meditate just a few minutes every day the benefits you receive will soon be depleted and you’ll be back at the same place you started."

So, what he is saying here is, although sitting on the mat for just 5 or 10 minutes a day (for example) will have a positive effect on you, it won't last for long.

It's still a good start though, so don't be put off - a few minutes per day is way better than none. To really move forward though, "the charge" needs to last for more than 24 hours, so when you sit to meditate the next morning (the best time to meditate is just after you wake up in the morning) you still have some unused "charge" from the previous days meditation, then gradually, each day with consistent practice your "power" will consistently increase.

Unlike a cellphone battery which has a limited amount of storage, us human beings can, through meditation, tap into the field of our One True Self, which holds infinite power!

Eric continues:

"I’m convinced that this simple practice has the potential to heal the world one person at a time."

And the thing is, as we "heal" ourselves through the consistent practice of sitting in stillness, of Being in the present moment, then our "higher" vibration which results, will affect those around us (all around the world even - just like a butterfly) and can help them to "heal". Actually "them" is us, the separation is illusory!

So, i in-courage you dear reader, to begin to read The Perfect Pause, and begin a daily (ideally twice daily) meditation practice.

As Michael Brown, author of The Presence Process and Alchemy of the Heart says:

Authentically activated present moment awareness radiates like the smell of ripe peaches.

So, thanks Eric for inspiring me to be even more consistent and to go deeper in my practice. Not that i'm slack exactly, but there are times when i get lazy and skip my practice sometimes.

But, how long do we need to meditate each day so we are more than filling our human battery each day? That's a good question and there is no finite answer. In The Presence Process Procedure, the daily sitting practice is for 15 minutes after waking and 15 minutes before bed, so a total of 30 minutes per day. i think that is for sure a very good start. However, the more the merrier!

If you have a busy life, you may be thinking there's no way i can squeeze in 30 minutes a day to do nothing. However, you will very likely find, after some time of consistent practice, that you need less sleep, so the time is found! This is my experience anyway.

Community Governance to "Save the World"

i'm a little excited at the moment as i seem to be attracting some people interested in potentially helping with The Matrix-8 Solution (a bottom up, multi-level community governance system which includes an anonymous concentrated consensus mechanism, thus enabling Pure Democracy).

i'm pretty sure this is an effect of my (mostly) consistent daily practice (which includes meditation, kundalini yoga and mantra chanting).


i'm also eating quite well, especially as my garden is overflowing with organic cucumbers, beetroot, apples and pears at the moment. i've been drinking a lot of pear and grape juice lately which for sure helps raise my vibration. i wrote yesterday showing the juicing process and touched briefly on the benefits of juicing in my post Juicing for Peace


On another subject, DMan from Blockchain Whispers Telegram channel wrote today:

Watch your displays, make sure your screens don’t break because the green candle I expect to be so big for Bitcoin, very soon.

(I will be surprised if it takes more than 7 days. Even 5 days seem enough)

i get this feeling too, and think i'll take another trip tomorrow to feed a machine with some cash!

i lean heavily toward privacy projects when choosing alt-coins. i mostly look quite deeply to discover the particular use cases before buying. i wish to (and am) support projects which are for the benefit of humanity, not because i might make a quick buck (although that's welcome too, and i will use any that as it comes my way for the good of humanity).

Some of these projects which i particularly like are:

Verus Coin $VRSC (Truth and Privacy for All),
Lethean $LTHN (see this post by @kennyskitchen's),
Dero $DERO,
Oxen $OXEN (upon which is built Session messenger and Lokinet Onion router/VPN),
Wownero $WOW,
Safecoin $SAFE,
Scala $XLA
Daps Coin $DAPS.
And, it almost goes without saying, but Hive $HIVE and $LEO of course!
i'm not going into detail of why i like these, so DYOR before buying.

Until next time

i will leave you today with my first semi-successful loaf of sour-dough bread

and some super nutritious high vibration mung bean sprouts.

i processed the mung beans into a hummus like spread. They go very well together, with thinly sliced organic cucumber. i'll now hop across to the kitchen for a late evening snack!

Peace and Love

All photos taken by me with Redmi Note 9 Pro (unless noted otherwise)

Ps. i'm really liking the book One Command by Asara Lovejoy. Here's a snippet in a #DBuzz i made earlier today

Pps. Have you read the real Autobiography of a Yogi?
The original edition of Paramhansa Yogananda's best-selling spiritual classic, beloved by millions, is available here for free: