My DIY Anti-Viral, Anti-Bacterial Travel Throat Spray

It used to be something I concocted for long haul Asian bus trips in nonovirus-flu season, or for over-crowded budget international flights. A simple, evidence-based DIY formula that I squirt into the very back of my throat.... count slowly to 60... and then swallow. As a preventative health strategy.

These past weeks it has become our go-to travel throat spray for anywhere and everywhere.

Before we leave the safe zone of our home, for the supermarket or a basic errand, it's a standard, quick check:

  • wallet
  • glasses
  • keys
  • facemask
  • throat spray
  • hand gel

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The premise is very simple: viruses and bacteria primarily enter through the nose and mouth, and the intersecting point for those is the back of throat, around the tonsils. In fact, that's why the tonsils are there! - to intercept and deal with invaders at the point of first entry, before they become systemic.

There ARE 3 inexpensive, effective anti-viral agents that will stop bacterial and viral replication quickly and effectively:

Oregano Essential Oil:

Apart from being an efficient anti-bacterial agent, clinical studies show that oregano essential oil is an effective anti-viral when applied within 1 hour of exposure. Source. It is NOT safe to ingest in a water-based solution, since the oil does not disperse and will BURN delicate mucous membranes in the throat, which are part of your body's natural immune defense. However, by using a food-grade alcohol solvent, the oil CAN be dispersed into a form where is can be safely sprayed or gargled.

Ethyl Alcohol 95 - Food Grade

Alcohol solvents are NOT all equal and most definitely NOT safe for ingesting undiluted. However, using a small amount of food grade ethyl alcohol 95 enables the safe dilution of the oregano essential oil, whilst also acting as an anti-viral agent of itself. Clinical studies show high concentration alcohol mixtures (80%+ ethanol) quickly inactivate viruses. Source. It is imperative NOT to use toxic isopropanol, but to use a verified food-grade ethanol 95 product.

Colloidal Silver

Recent clinical studies (2019) have identified the broad-spectrum antiviral properties of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) against respiratory pathogens, such as adenovirus, parainfluenza, and influenza. Source

So how do I make my throat spray?

  1. I put 10ml of food grade ethyl alcohol 95 into a sterilized (boiled) glass. I add 10 drops of oregano essential oil. I also add 10 drops of food grade peppermint essential oil - for flavour and fresh minty cooling.

  2. Stir together well with a glass stirring rod or clear stainless steel spoon until oil is completely dissolved by the alcohol.

  3. Add 40ml of colloidal silver. Stir to combine thoroughly.

It will become milky white and a bit warm initially - that's a normal chemical reaction. Pour it into a sterile 50ml pocket-purse-sized GLASS spray bottle.

That's it.

Make sure you label it. CS.O.P. is my short-hand for Colloidal Silver, Oregano & Peppermint. Always smart to add a batch date.

Spray 3 squirts to the back of your throat on each side after potential exposure to viruses and/or bacteria on public transport or after being in crowded public places. It's cooling, minty-herbal and, most importantly, effective. Makes an impressive breath freshener too! After squirting, I try to hold it in the back of my throat without swallowing for a count of 60, to allow the spray to work its magic.

So it lives in my handbag and/or the truck. We have used it for years in airports, grubby taxis, bus stations and on flights. But now, as Thailand begins to relax its quarantine, it makes sense to use it after we've been out - usually as soon as we get back in the truck and head home. Within 1 hour of possible exposure.

No, I'm not any more worried about Covid19 than I am about viral hepatitis, nonovirus, rotavirus, or the endless strains of flu which visit this country (Thailand) along with the 40 million tourists each year. I live in Asia, it can be grubby and I'm pragmatic.

No, I don't and am not allowed to make it for sale, since the alcohol content would require difficult & expensive licensing.

No, this post is NOT intended as medical advice, and is simply a detailed, anecdotal explanation of a personal health strategy we are using in our family, here in Thailand as quarantine relaxes and we start needing to venture out.

Why do I take my own Pure Thai Naturals hand sanitizer with me when sanitizer is freely availabe EVERYwhere? Let's just say that I have standards about product safety and efficacy of anything I put on my body, and the vast majority of hand gels are NOT only chemical crap, but questionable as to whether they are even really antiviral. Since most places here in Thailand require you to use the gel before entering, I prefer to bring my own. And I love my pets; isopropanol is highly toxic when ingested by licky pets licking your hands. But that's another post for another day.

Appreciating that many people reading this may not have access to ethyl-alcohol-95-food-grade. You CAN substitute a high quality pure white spirit, such as vodka, tequilla, grappa or (in Thailand) Lao Khao. Although it obviously has a MUCH lower alcohol content, it will still be effective as a solvent, even though it won't be ant-viral of itself. The oregano essential oil and the colloidal silver combined will still be effective. Under no circumstances should you use isopropanol or rubbing alcohols - they are petro-chemicial based and unsafe for ingestion. Can't get ethyl-alcohl95-food-grade? Use a top shelf white spirit.

Travel IS imminent and we are navigating uncharted waters.

Be encouraged as you start to consider travel that there are so many simple ways to stay healthy and well and protect our families.

Be well, be safe and build your natural immunity.

That's #1.

All images used in my posts are created and owned by myself, unless specifically sourced. If you wish to use my images or my content, please contact me.

Come check out my natural Thai herbal business… yes, we ship world-wide

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