Hive music festival week 104 round 2. (EXCESS LOVE by Mercy chinwon) (Cover)

Hive music festival week 104 round 2 welcome you all to my blog, and my name is Joseph James and my username is joseph2014 I will be doing a cover of a song. And the title of the song is(Excess Love), although someone May have his own different interpretation about the song and it okay by Me.

Hello everyone this project has taking much of my Time, actually I did the video in my church it not easy to stop children from making noise in church, because Normally children use to come to the church, use to have meetings inside the church and so I decided to control them and proceed with the video in my church, even though am stress out I was not feeling too strong but. thank God for the healing upon my life am recovering little by little. I put my mindset that am gonna do my video content, and as you can see my church decoration behind my back and the banner that is written TRUST AND OBEY that's our church theme of this year.

This song has bless my life in so many ways and it has help me to stand well in the presence of God because there's is love it's say (Excess Love) that's power, together so that he can teach us how to love always. and I chose to follow him because the presence of God is a sweet dwelling place to be, you never lack anything and In God you and i will have peace of mind because his love will be there in Our midst.

we often fail God because we didn't allow him to be part of our daily activity he says come unto me for who are hunger and thirst come and drink from the river of life, for when you come unto me I will forever give you rest.
God is kind,love and truth let's create that strong fellowship with him and we will see God light in Our daily lives.

below is the real lyrics and I choose to present the whole lyrics l..


Semana 104 del festival de música de Hive, ronda 2, bienvenidos a todos a mi blog. Mi nombre es Joseph James y mi nombre de usuario es joseph2014. Haré una versión de una canción. Y el título de la canción es (Excess Love), aunque alguien puede tener su propia interpretación diferente de la canción y por mí está bien. Hola a todos, este proyecto me ha tomado mucho tiempo, de hecho hice el video en mi iglesia, no es fácil evitar que los niños hagan ruido en la iglesia, porque normalmente los niños vienen a la iglesia, tienen reuniones dentro de la iglesia, etc. Decidí controlarlos y continuar con el video en mi iglesia, aunque estoy estresada no me sentía muy fuerte todavía. gracias a Dios por la sanación en mi vida me estoy recuperando poco a poco. Puse mi mentalidad de que voy a hacer el contenido de mi video y, como pueden ver, la decoración de mi iglesia a mis espaldas y el cartel que dice CONFÍA Y OBEDECE, ese es el tema de nuestra iglesia de este año. Esta canción ha bendecido mi vida de muchas maneras y me ha ayudado a estar bien en la presencia de Dios porque hay amor, se dice (exceso de amor), eso es poder, juntos para que él pueda enseñarnos a amar siempre. y elegí seguirlo porque la presencia de Dios es una dulce morada para estar, nunca te falta nada y en Dios tú y yo tendremos tranquilidad porque su amor estará ahí en medio de Nosotros. muchas veces le fallamos a Dios porque no le permitimos ser parte de nuestra actividad diaria él dice ven a mí porque los que tienes hambre y sed ven y bebe del río de la vida, porque cuando vengas a mí yo te daré descanso para siempre . Dios es bondadoso, amor y verdad, creemos esa fuerte comunión con él y veremos a Dios luz en nuestra vida diaria. A continuación está la letra real y elijo presentar la letra completa.


Your love is kind
Your love is patient
You fill my heart
With so much peace and joy
You’re amazing
You make my life feel brand new
You’re amazing
You make my life feel brand new

Jesus you love me too much o
Too much o too much o excess Love o
Jesus you love me too much o
Too much o too much o excess love o
Jesus you love me too much o
Too much o, too much o excess love o
Jesus you love me too much oh oh oh oh
Too much o too much o excess love o

Your love is kind
Your love is patient
You u fill you fill my heart heart yeah eh
With so much peace and joy
You’re amazing amazing
You make my life feel brand new
All your promises are yea yeah eh eh eh eh eh and amen

You’re not a man you never lie

Jesus you love me too much o
Too much o too much o excess love o
Jesus you love me too uh much o
Too much o too much o excess love o
Je e sus you love me too much o o o
Too much o, too much o excess love o o o o
Jesus you love me too uh much o
Too much o too uh much o too uh much o excess love o excess love o
Ha too much o too much o o too much o excess love o ha
Your love for me too much o too much o o too much o excess love o
Too uh uh uh much oh oh oh oh too much o
Jesus you love me o that you gave your life for me too much o o too much o excess love o

What manner of love is this too much o
What manner of love is this that you gave it all for me o God too much o o too much o excess love o

Jesus you love me
Too much o
You love me you love me e e too much o o too much o excess love o

Jesus you love me too much o o too much o hey
Jesus you love me too much o o o too much o o too much o excess love

Who am I that you’re mindful of me yeah eh
Too much o who am I that you gave it all for me hey
Too much o o too much o excess love o
Jesus you love me too much o
Too much too much o too much o too much o excess love o

Hey eh eh Jesus you love me too much o o o
You love me too much o o o o o
Unconditional love you have for me o o
Eloi Eloi lema sabachthani
You said it all for me o o

Thank you for loving me too much o
Thank you for loving me too much o

Thank you for loving me too much o
Thank you for loving me too much o
You love me too much o

Source: LyricFind

Songwriters: James Hairston / Mercy Chin

Excess Love lyrics © Ctso Music (reference), Kobalt Music Publishing Ltd.


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