Fresh Turmeric


Mornin' ☕

The other day I was getting ready to make some homemade turmeric powder, but had to stop for a second to appreciate the beauty of these little roots. I just love the silver shine on the skins, although my husband said they look like worms haha, I don't think so 😂

Have you guys tried making your own powders before?! I've made beet root powder in the past, the color turned out gorgeous, I only like to use it to sprinkle on top of desserts though, just for a pop of color. Other than that, the turmeric powder was my second attempt at homemade spices. I must say, I was quite happy with the result. Unfortunately, I didn't take a photo of the final product (will do next time) but believe me when I say it looks and tastes GREAT! It's also super fragrant, a property I haven't encountered much with store bought powders. We love to use it with our potatoes, and I always tend to sneak some extra in whatever calls for curry powder haha.

The Memorial Day weekend is right around the corner, guys, and while we're still encouraged to stay quarantined, I hope everyone enjoys the holiday to the maximum haha, might be the last weekend before it's work only all over again 🙀

Peace 🖖🏻

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