#CTP - Create A Lead Capture Page The Easy Way - Plus #2020vision Day +56

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#CTP - Create A Lead Capture Page The Easy Way

So if you want to build your list you need to setup a Lead Capture Page where people go to sign up, and this can be hard or easy depending on what solution you go with.

Of course I will show you the easy way to create a good looking LCP, and the first part of that is to create a graphic for the content of it, and I talked a bit about tools for that in my post yesterday, Free Tools To Create Great Graphics.

The graphic I usually go with is 1500 x 500 pixels, and I add all content of the LCP to it.

Then the only thing left is to add the signup form, and if you are using TrafficWave you just drop the html code for it in the CTP Form Builder and adjust the look of it through their graphical interface.

That will then produce a small Javascript code which I include below the image in a code block.

This is a screenshot for my LCP of the I Am Alive ebook that I just launched, and the above is exactly how I made it.

Screenshot from CTP

I Am Alive

So do use the easy tools and make pretty LCP's on the fly, and stay safe, awesome and alive.

2020Vision Day +56

So I continue to watch 4 ads per day for my #2020vision, my form of creative pushups, and today I made that in TrafficLeads2IncomeVM, and you can see my Weekly Schedule here.

2020vison was started by @pixiepost, and it's goal is to draw attention and awareness to the Hive blockchain and to promote health and the Actifit dApp, and you can see her announcement here.

Screenshots from my mobile watching 4 ads.





So that was my #2020vision for today.

Thank You!

Thank you very much for reading this post, leave your thoughts in the comments below, and ...

Stay Awesome!

Erik Gustafsson

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My profile on CTPtalk

This is my own personal opinion, do your own research before investing, and seek legal counsel if uncertain.

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Graphic made in Canva

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