Curation Trail, Market Report, BBH

Hello world ;),


I did my check of the Curation Trail today and I want to welcome two new members. @lebah and @aiovo. You are now set up to receive auto votes from me and the trail. Welcome aboard. They brings the trail to 56 active member. Constant growth, slow but constant. Love it.

Market Report:


And once again I have two graphs for CTP Token, today and same day last year for comparison.



BBH - Bitcoin Backed Hive


First I would like to thank the people that jumped on early and bought some. To repeat myself for people that don't know, I will explain my plan for it and my goals for 2021. Then a little bonus.

The idea of BBH is to have a token that is 100% back by bitcoin, the thought is if Bitcoin every get to 1 million that 1 BBH will be worth 1 cent. So 1 BBH is set to 1 Satoshi. On top of that as I grow my goals, I plan on adding a portfolio to that to make it worth more than 1 Satoshi.

The goals is to launch my BBH Community channel with its own channel and miner. This will bring awareness, growth to BBH and to me that I can channel funds into keeping, well, things growing.

My end goal for 2021 is to run a witness node on Hive.

The big thing I need right now is awareness. I am backing BBH right now. I currently have aprox 420,000 Satoshi so that is max I could sell, release at this point in time.

So, to get people aware, to take the effort to read and comment on this post, I will give a gift today. Everyone that leaves me a comment on this post and mentions BBH in the comment (good or bad) I will gift 100 BBH to you.

That simple.


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Have a great day all.


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