Med-Hive Weekly Health Discussion- Menstrual Experience Of A Girl

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Maria was nine years old when she got her first period. She was not ready for this as she never heard about it before. Thankfully she had no cramps and pain in her body but she had irritation as it was new to her. She used wet cloths that cause rushes in her vagina. She was orphan so she has none to explain all about period and how to deal with it. Her clothes were stained with blood, she was bullied by her classmates.

She find period a curse that every girl experience to be a complete woman. She tried to hide it as much possible because she thinks it shameful for a girl who gets her period at her early age. A woman in her orphanage offered her dirty napkins to use on her period and she used it randomly.

She used newspaper too because there was none to guide her and buy her sanitary napkin. Can you imagine that how helpless a girl can feel herself when there was none to help her. Can you imagine the sufferings of Maria? Gradually she grow up and learn about hygienic pads to use. She is 33 years now and last 24 years she is experiencing regular period but she was used to it when she was 15 years, she got her first sanitary napkin when she was in her college and she was 17 years. Which means eight years long she used unhygienic cloths and newspapers, isn't it terrific? But its a real story not a fiction.

Maria's menstrual experience was terrific at the beginning, she was lucky that she had no major issues in her sensitive body part, many girls experience vaginal infection for using unhygienic pads or cloths there she used newspaper which was not comfortable and safe.

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When Maria was 20 years, she noticed that she got irregular period like got period once in three months. She start finding the reason and remedy of it. The reason behind her irregular period was Stress and it was very common that many girls go through stress when exams are closer to them, have work pressure at office and some others. Both physical and mental stress is the reason. So Maria decide to do some exercise to feel stress free and got period on time.

She also drinks warm ginger water to make her period regular and it worked. To stay stress free she ate dark chocolates and had a healthy diet for everyday. Maria now used to with period and she doesn't consider it as curse anymore. Sometimes she feels the pain of migraine during period but having rest and fresh fruits help her to overcome from this.

She never feel the menstrual pain thankfully but she saw many girls crying in pain when got period and they took medicines for the cramps. She was lucky that she doesn't face such situation in her 24 years of menstrual life.

Maria buy pads a month earlier of her period and she has regret that she tried unhygienic things that could be dangerous for her health. She missed to have a family, a caring mother or elder sister who could help her when she experienced it for the first time. Maria learn everything with the time.

I've learned a lot of things from Maria's experience. what about you?

confession : I'm not belong to medical professional, the story above is about a girl whom I know personally.

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