My Covid-19 journey, opinions and experiences


Disclaimer. I am a medically trained, Certified Nursing Assistant
What follows are my personal experiences, medical observations and opinions.
Always be sure to consult your doctors, but I will outline some things to think about below when you do.


We have a full generation of people (if not more) that tend to trust both their Doctors and the media to tell them the truth.
They never lived through measles or (god forbid) Polio, they don't remember times when you did not run to the Dr because you stubbed your toe.
Surely not because you have some sniffles.
You stayed home, drank plenty of fluids and took lots of Vit C, and IF you didn't start getting better, THEN you went to the Dr

When neither may be true.

I began to hear of people with the "new corona virus" Dec 2019 (in China) and yes there were people dying.

(at this point I must point out, at that time I was what would later be called a "covid denier"

People die of colds and flu.
Corona viruses (there is a whole family of them) cause many of the things we refer to as 'the common cold'.
But the Media SCREAMED

"It is coming for you, don't get sick and if you do RUN to your Dr."

People did exactly that, and suddenly the ER's and ICU's were overwhelmed.

**The medical professionals are young as well, they didn't know how to react to this influx of people PRESENTING with symptoms (can you say psychosomatic? If you believe you have a fever, you very well may have an elevated temp and BP), they had no means of testing, so they just admitted thousands of people.

Ventilators (A mechanical ventilator is a machine that helps a patient breathe (ventilate) when he or she cannot breathe on his or her own for any reason. There are many benefits, but a major risk is infection.
were used when they were not needed and detrimental.

So people died. I'm sorry about that. People die everyday of respiratory conditions. Many of them elderly, or like me with COPD or Asthma or heart issues.
I personally suffer from COPD(Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) and I also have a "Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm" so I definitely fall into the HIGH RISk category)

Fake Fauci jumped on the bandwagon as he has done so many times before, and with the media behind him, there was no stopping him.
Working therapies (Hydroxychloroquine) were pooh poohed and dismissed, because no one was going to make any money on those therapies.

And therein lies the Crux of the matter.

  1. They want to make money
  2. They want to reduce the number of old people being cared for by 'the system'
  3. They want to control our behaviors. You can't make as many babies if you are 'social distancing'. Less unwanted pregnancies (that at least is a good thing)

These are my thoughts and opinions, if you have lost someone to this madness, I am very sorry and I mean no disrespect, nor do I mean to demean the medical profession as a whole,

Personal story
In August 2020, I'd missed an appointment at the VA. I was HUNGOVER, but I just told them I was too sick to drive to the appointment.
They INSISTED that I DRIVE the 12 miles to the Drive Thru test at the VA hospital.
I did that. The test came back POSITIVE.

  1. at this point I had not been sick with any respiratory symptoms

  2. I had not had any fever

  3. No body aches, nausea, loss of taste etc so

in my mind I HAD NOT BEEN SICK and after getting the nose swab 4 WEEKS IN A ROW and showing positive, I INSISTED on getting the antibody blood test.
It too, came back positive (the antibodies in my bloodstream confirmed that I had INDEED contracted the virus, but MY BODY PROTECTED ME, so I didn't get sick, the Dr who read that antibody test for me, stated that he looked at my last nose swab and said "the viral load was so low it almost didn't qualify as a positive")

By now, it is the beginning of Oct 2020. Because I have an extreme distrust of
A. the government and
B. Modern Medical Practice (which after all is now someone with a degree on the wall, reading from a computer screen, and worse, at the Veterans Administration, that computer screen also DICTATES what they can tell you, diagnose and prescribe)
Over the years the VA has MISDIAGNOSED me several times, the first caused me to be subjected to a LOT of invasive and embarrassing tests, the second they totally missed the fact that I had NO CARTILEGE in my right hip, I was walking around bone-on-bone for nearly 2 yrs after I first called it to their attention

Civilian Ortho R Hip 1 joke.jpg
In May 2019 I got my right hip totally replaced finally. Today, I am better and my mobility is far better than it was before, but I still have a LOT of pain.

New Hip 1_cleaned.jpg
So I think you can see why I don't trust the system now.

Back to covid.
For the next 6 months (Sept 2020-Mar 2021) I had myself tested regularly, both nose and blood.
Negative NOSE every time
Positive antibodies in my blood every time.
in other words, In My Opinion, I Did Not Need any vaccination, my body was doing a marvelous job, thank you very much.
But by now, the Doctors (read FAUCI) and media were all screaming
"The ICU's and ER's are all overflowing BECAUSE OF THE UNVACCINATED
So I went and got both shots of the Pfizer vaccine, and BOTH of them made me deathly ill, bedridden for three days each time.
Let's examine this; I did NOT GET SICK from the virus, but I DID GET SICK from the Vaccine. Does that make sense?
Go figure.
So today, I have NOT been 'boosted'( and will not get boosted)
I do NOT wear a mask unless it is required for me to enter a building etc.

I believe our immune systems are just like the antivirus software in your computers (or should I say those software are modelled on our immune systems)
They need to be UPDATED constantly to keep up with the changing environment.
So how are our immune systems going to be updated if we constantly remove ourselves from contact with that environment?
When we constantly disinfect everything, we avoid touch things (and worse EACH OTHER!!!)
I wash my hands when my hands are dirty.
I cover my mouth with my elbow (if I have time and think about it, otherwise it is my hand) when I cough or sneeze.
But I DON'T WORRY ABOUT IT, I am going to live my life.
DAMNED The Government for succeeding at getting 90% of the populace under their COMPLETE CONTROL.


Something else to think about.
MANY if not most of the TV commercials you see are for MEDICATIONS or DEVICES to TREAT for conditions that your parents had never heard of, that did not exist 40 yrs ago.
People were by and large healthy and happy.

Now we have Monkey Pox. Look at the images of the VACCINE bottles they are using. They say:

When I was small, I got the smallpox vaccine, everyone did. Then they declared "It Is Eradicated!" no need to continue vaccinating for it.
I submit had they continued, these people today would not be contracting and spreading Monkeypox. In my 67 yrs, I have had
Mumps (as an adult)
And I recovered from and survived them all.

Okay. That is the end of my screaming from the street corner:

Caveat; I feel sure all the Doctors and medical professionals are caring, highly educated people who think they are doing the right things.
But I also think they have a script to follow or lose their jobs

"My Covid-19 journey"

opinions and experiences

Jerry E Smith
All images are sourced, or
They are modified by me, or
They are my personal xrays.


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