The Beginning Of A Beautiful Journey

The thing is, pregnancy was never my favorite topic to talk about. After my mom nearly lost her life when my younger brother was born. This creates a bit more fear in my mind than I usually like to admit. So growing up as a young lady I had my way of excusing myself from the topic. It took me a very long time before I could make up my mind if I wanted to have a child or not.

But something happened some years back that changed everything, how I feel about getting pregnant and having a child.

A very close friend of mine was having her son's one-year birthday which I was invited to. During that visit, it was like my eyes were opened to something very beautiful for the very first time.

I allowed myself to see a beautiful bond between a child and a mother for the very first time. My friend and her son have this beautiful bonding moment that melts my whole being and right there I made up my mind that "girl you will have to do what you have to do" I'm having my child when the time is right.

I remember asking my friend, how come she is such an adorable mom to her son. What if I ended up as a bad mother? She just smiled and said, i should not worry that when the time comes, I will do great. She said that a mother's love comes very naturally.

Her words were inspirational to me. In December 2021 I got married and the very following month we received one of the greatest news of our life. The beginning of a beautiful journey

When my blood test came back and the doctor told us I was pregnant. That moment was beautiful and magical.

My pregnancy journey wasn't such a troubled one at all. I was lucky not to experience vomiting, or falling sick every here and then.

The only experience i don't like was feeling very lazy to get up in the morning and my trick is to just get up don't think about it or hesitate. And yeah, the craving for foods I ordinarily will not eat. Like bread and garri. There are times, I will feel like just eating, eating, and eating it was annoying a little.

During the journey, i never missed my doctor's appointment, and eating adequately was and still my best pet.


All my test results were very okay until one of my five monthly appointments. When my scanning result showed hypomania i was told that the fluid surrounding my baby was too much and we might have to consider delivering him as a premature baby.

This news was heartbreaking but we stayed strong all through. We decided to visit another standard medical lab for scanning. We visited the other two and my scanning result came out very okay. That is, my ammoniac fluid was adequate.

This confirmation made me very happy and proud of our decision to seek second and third opinions.

We went back to the hospital and a scan was conducted and it happens that somehow the first test was wrong.

Aside from the above, my pregnancy journey was not troubling at all. Having a compassionate partner by my side who always looks forward to assisting as much as she can. A mom who will call many times just to know how I'm coping and helpful siblings and friends around made the journey very easy and enjoyable.

Even though we settled for a c-section at the last minute on my delivery day when the position of my baby seems not to be in the right position. My healing process was fast and easy. And this is six months later with a healthy bouncing baby boy to show for it.

IMG_20230131_085415_286~2.jpg this Image is mine; my son at three months

In The Future

Am I still scared of pregnancy,? Still a little. We plan to have just two kids and possibly adopt one child in the future when we are ready to expand our family.

This is my entry into this week's med-hive weekly discussion Thank you and enjoy your Sunday❤

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