Stir-fried pork offal with black pepper

Hello, my lovely friends. Today I have another menu for you. It's easy to make and the method is not complicated. Cut pork giblets and add black pepper. This menu has a fragrant black pepper aroma and a spicy taste. There is chili. And in this menu, pineapple is added because pineapple helps digest food faster. If you are ready, let's go into the kitchen together.


300 grams of pork giblets
25 chili peppers
1 teaspoon of shrimp paste
1 tablespoon of black pepper
200 grams of pineapple
3-4 cloves of garlic
fish sauce, sugar, seasoning powder and oyster sauce, lime leaves

Pound the chili, black pepper, and garlic until slightly crushed. Then add the shrimp paste. Pound again and set aside.


Put the pan on the stove and add oil. When the oil is hot, add the curry paste and stir-fry until the curry paste starts to boil and has a fragrant smell. Then use low heat. Add the pork and pork intestines. Mix the pork intestines and curry paste together.

Then add the pineapple. Stir-fry until the pork is cooked and the pineapple is cooked. Season with fish sauce, seasoning powder, sugar. Then use a spatula to stir until everything is well combined. Wait until cooked. Taste and adjust the flavor as you like. This menu is

There is a note. If the pork filling starts to dry, add a little water and stir-fry until cooked and fragrant. It is finished. Turn off the stove. Scoop onto a plate and take a picture for your friends to see. How is it? This menu is quite spicy. Spicy. Today, I have to say goodbye for now.

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