Boiled pork bones with Chinese kale is very delicious. The soup is rich.

Hello, my lovely friends. Today, we meet Mae Krua Baan Suan again. Today was a very fun day. After finishing all the activities and tasks at home, I left the house to buy some food to store in the refrigerator. When I drove halfway, I saw that there was a market in the village today. But I had to run some errands in the city because my daughter called me to buy some stuff to send to Koh Phangan. That was curry paste. Southern curry paste. I headed to the city market, which is an old market. Of course, the market is closed now. The old Trang market has a lot of delicious food to choose from, especially southern curry paste, which has a strong smell. If you like to make spicy Thai food, you must not miss it.

After buying curry paste, I drove back home. On the way, I stopped by the village market. The atmosphere was friendly. I bought some snacks and drinks and drove back home to the countryside.

Ingredients and components

500 grams of cartilage
1 gram of Chinese kale
3-4 roots of coriander
4-5 cloves of garlic
1 teaspoon of peppercorns
2-3 tablespoons of fish sauce
1 teaspoon of sugar
1 liter of water

For today's pork cartilage soup menu, I must say that it is very easy to make. You just have to make the pork cartilage soft and you will have a delicious soup. If you are ready, let's go into the kitchen and make dinner together.

Prepare ingredients, wash the cartilage clean.

Cut the Chinese kale into pieces.
Pound the coriander root, garlic and pepper until fine.
Boil the bones, put the cartilage in a pot, set over medium heat, wait until boiling, then reduce the heat and continue to boil for about 30 minutes or until the bones have shells.
Season with the pounded ingredients and put them in the pot, boil with fish sauce and sugar, taste as you like.
Add the vegetables, when the soup is ready, add the Chinese kale and boil until the vegetables are cooked.

Serve in a bowl and serve hot.
If you like a richer soup, you can add other pork bones. Other vegetables, such as Chinese morning glory or Chinese cabbage, can be used instead. Adjust the amount of fish sauce and sugar to your liking to achieve a well-rounded taste.

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