Looking for peace with friends at the corner cafe

Last night I went to the corner cafe with my friends to get some night air to relieve boredom at home I was very happy when I arrived at the corner cafe, the atmosphere of the place was quite good and I enjoyed the place by drinking a cup of very delicious cappuccino coffee and decorated with flowers on top. I also took some photos as usual to share with friends here, hope you like them and enjoy them

I am also very happy to be able to go for a walk to catch the evening breeze and sit relaxed in a corner cafe with four of my friends who can make me laugh. I'm always very entertained when I'm with them and I'm also very happy because I sit in the corner drinking coffee with @jasonmunapasee, I'm very happy to be able to sit with @jasonmunapasee and be able to joke and laugh together

So friends, wherever you are, our trip to the corner cafe last night was really enjoyable, even though there were obstacles. We also got caught in quite heavy rain in the middle of the journey and stopped for a long time. The rain was very heavy, it took about two hours before the rain stopped
I stopped on the side of the road waiting for the rain to stop
I stopped at a roadside stall

okay friends, even though it is raining, we are grateful because we have reached our destination and reached the corner of the cafe. We told stories and laughed when we got caught in the rain, it was really funny.

So friends, I also ask for your support so that I can be better and can carry out normal activities here and if there are any mistakes that I convey here, along with you blog hive friends, I also apologize because I am also human. , there must be an error.
See you again in my next post😊

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