When I went to catch fish in a net.

*** Hello everyone***
Today I will talk about how to catch fish by trapping fish in a net along the Nong Bueng Canal as he doesn't care, but you don't have to trap it in the mountain pond because he cares about the canal. It belongs to the King. Anyone who can trap it or whoever finds it can take it. to eat As for me, I went with my boyfriend and he caught me on the river bank every day, but not a lot. Some days we get a lot and make fermented fish, som fish, and sun-dried fish. To make food for several days Many fish dishes are sometimes steamed and made into crispy fried rice cakes. You can make many types of fish chu chee. As for Patong, they take the mineral flesh and turn it into fish with mushrooms, very delicious fried. I think you can dry it in the sun or something. You can even make it into orange fish. I went with my husband's friend and sat on the bank of the river. My boyfriend went down to catch fish and watched. Looking for shellfish, looking for crabs, looking for fish to earn a living each day. When it comes to stimulating food costs The money that we won't be able to buy food or fish to cook. Keep going through the countryside. According to the local people

Now he's caught in a fishing net.

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