Tucacas With Friends


Tucacas con amigos


Uno de los lugares más turisticos de Venezuela está ubicado en el estado de Falcón, responde al nombre de Tucacas, Morrocoy. Es un Parque Nacional con distintos cayos con aguas muy transparantes y arena blanca, muchos la describen como un lugar paradisíaco.

Este viaje surgió de un momento a otro, básicamente mi mejor amigo me incluyó en el plan, ya que yo iba a hacer otras cosas en Semana Santa, pero no pude rechazar la oferta que me estaban haciendo, realmente no conocía Tucacas y el plan pintaba las mejores vibras posibles.

En cuestión de pocos días, un poco apurado, se logró organizar todo, el lugar donde nos ibamos a quedar y hasta la lancha que se iba a alquilar.

El viaje a Tucacas es bastante tranquilo, son varias horas dependiendo de tu ubicación en Venezuela, pero con una buena compañía se puede disfrutar.

Lo único malo de este viaje es que se acabó, estuvimos varios días pero lamentablemente no todos los que queríamos, la pasamos muy bien y a nivel personal viví muchas experiencias nuevas.


One of the most touristic places in Venezuela is located in the state of Falcon, it responds to the name of Tucacas, Morrocoy. It is a National Park with different keys with very transparent waters and white sand, many describe it as a paradisiacal place.

This trip came out of the blue, basically my best friend included me in the plan, since I was going to do other things at Easter, but I couldn't refuse the offer they were making me, I really didn't know Tucacas and the plan had the best possible vibes.

In a matter of a few days, a bit in a hurry, we managed to organize everything, the place where we were going to stay and even the boat that we were going to rent.

The trip to Tucacas is quite quiet, it takes several hours depending on your location in Venezuela, but with a good company you can enjoy it.

The only bad thing about this trip is that it was over, we stayed several days but unfortunately not as many as we wanted, we had a great time and on a personal level I lived many new experiences.

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