
Hello, Hello, today we have an ancient menu that has been with Thailand for a long time. This season is the rainy season, right? There is a lot of rain, so all the plants are beautiful. Especially in Thailand, there are red lotus plants, right? We will take lotus stems or red lotus flowers, but we don't eat the flowers. It's lotus stems. We will use them to make food menus. Lotus stems can be cooked in many ways, whether it's stir-fried into curry or sour curry or dipped with chili paste or eaten with chili paste. But today we will use lotus stems to make coconut milk curry. It's called boiled lotus stems in coconut milk with mackerel. It's a menu that has been with Thai people for a long time. It can be considered an ancient menu. Let's see what the ingredients are. Lotus stems , coconut milk , pepper , shrimp paste, shallots , tamarind juice , fish sauce, coconut sugar. Let's see what the ingredients look like.

Let's see how to do it. First, peel the lotus root and pluck it into 2 finger joints. Then put the lotus root that we peeled and cut into hot water. The hot water that we put tamarind juice in is so that when we boil the coconut milk, it will not turn black. And the lotus root will not turn black. We put tamarind juice in and boil it. When the lotus changes color, cut it out and put it in cold water. Then we pound the ingredients. We have shallots, shrimp paste, galangal, peppercorns. Pound everything until fine. Then put a pot on the stove. Add half a box of coconut milk, followed by half a bottle of plain water. Put the ingredients that we pounded in and dissolve. Add tamarind juice, coconut sugar, fish sauce, seasoning powder. When the taste is right, add the mackerel that we prepared. Then add the lotus root that we took out of the water and set aside. When the pot boils, add the kaffir lime leaves and taste to get 3 flavors: sweet, sour, and salty. 3 The flavors will push each other to make the taste delicious. This is the method of making lotus stem coconut milk soup, which is an ancient Thai food. For anyone who wants to make it, you can do so because I have told you the ingredients and method in detail. For this post, I would like to thank all my friends who came to view the post and voted for it. Thank you.

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