
Hello, today we will review food as usual. Today's food will be a spicy menu. It is a salad type of food that Thai people like to eat. It is a menu that is used at Chinese banquets. When there is a party, this menu will be added to the menu of the Chinese banquet. There are many types of salad menus, but today I will present it to you as a friend. It is a pork salad. Spicy Pork Salad doesn't have many ingredients, my friends. The ingredients are pork. Cut the food into thin slices and marinate it. Our signature dishes are oyster sauce, light soy sauce, seasoning powder, a little sugar, sesame oil, and eggs. Marinate the pork that we have cut into pieces. We marinate the pork for about 1 hour and then boil it until it is 70% spicy. Then set it aside. For the dressing, let's see what we have. 7 red chili peppers, 2 cloves of Chinese garlic, 2 roots of coriander , 2 tablespoons of lime juice, 1 and a half tablespoons of coconut sugar, 2 tablespoons of fish sauce. Then we call everything carefully. Finely chop the chili, garlic, and coriander root until fine, then add the coconut sugar and mix well. Add fish sauce and lime juice and it's done. Pour the sauce that we have prepared on the pork that we have boiled and mix well. Add celery leaves for fragrance. The ceremony is done for Spicy Pork Salad. For those who like garlic, peel the Chinese garlic and slice it thinly to sprinkle on top. Then add 1 lime. My child, the customer put it in our pork satang. As for my family, the kids said, "Oh, you don't have to make it look pretty. Just make it edible." So I didn't put sweet lime in it. It was just a normal pork salad. But it's still a pork satang salad. Let's see what our satang looks like. This menu is a simple menu. A simple pork satang salad. Let's see what our ingredients look like. And it's ready to be made. Let's go see.

For lemongrass and kaffir lime leaves, we put them in the water that we will blanch the pork in order to get the fragrance of kaffir lime leaves and the aroma of lemongrass. For this post, I would like to thank all my friends who have come to view this post. I hope that this post will be useful for all of you who like to cook because in this post, I tell you the ingredients in detail and tell you how to make it in detail. You can take it to cook at home. It's an easy menu, a delicious home-made menu. For this post, thank you very much. Thank you.

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