My Best Response To Rude Behavior

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Oftentimes what goes around always comes around. We are human and with that there are times that we become rude to people not because we are bad or it's an attitude in us, or maybe it's not the right time.


Being rude doesn't make a person bad, so when someone is rude to me, that does not make them bad, i just remember that they’re human just like me, and rudeness alone doesn’t mean they’re a bad person either. But my reaction to their rudeness will determine my level of maturity. it’s easy to get upset. But I also have a choice about how I react. I can't join or respond in the same manner because it won't bring a solution, it will only escalate the situation. No matter who the person may be either some that are doing it deliberately to see my reaction or one that is inconsiderate whose rudeness is unintentional, the way out is to keep my dignity intact by not letting the rude behavior provoke me into a tantrum that can be avoided. Although it might seem difficult, it's easy, and it displays a sign of maturity.

Although people have their reasons for being rude. Perhaps they’ve had a bad day, or maybe they’re in a hurry or because they feel frustrated about something. Most times some of them might not even realize how rude they’ve been. So with that I tend to remain calm and quiet.

Sincerely rudeness is hurtful, but it becomes more hurtful when I allow it to get into me, so the best way to protect myself is by removing myself and my mind from the situation which is the fastest and surest way to avoid more rude behavior from the same person. Most times walk away, but that doesn't makes me inferior nor a weakling, but its shows a level of wisdom and maturity.


The following are my best ways of dealing with rude people:

  1. Quietness and Calmness: Though it will be annoying, but if I choose to respond in a rude manner as well, it will only escalate the situation, so I will just be calm and quiet, And when everything is calm i will take some time and think carefully, and taking a deep breath before talking to the person, That will help my confidence and I will be in control of my emotions.

  2. Being Polite: Even the Bible records that it's only a calm response that can quench the fire of anger. Since rudeness is as a result of anger the way out is being polite in both actions and words.

  3. Walk Away: This is another thing I'll do, walking away doesn't make me less, but that is the only best thing to do at that moment to avoid me from responding.

  4. Ignore Such a Person: If I discovered that it's your character or attitude, in order to maintain my sanity, and so to avoid such negativity from reoccurring I will ignore you.

  5. I will not be overwhelmed by the situation: My mental sanity is my paramount, so anything that fights that, i try to get rid of them. I won't allow the situation to get to me, nor overthink about the situation, because overthinking has its negative effect on my mental health.

So in all, i will set my boundaries right to avoid more rudeness and to maintain my mental sanity.

This is my response to this week's contest topic.
Thank you for reading ♥️

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