Gardening for Family Sustainable Living/Consumption

Hello, everyone!

Welcome to a season of gardening.

Gardening for Family Sustainable Living and Consumption is a yearly practice of cultivating crops for family use. This practice is usually done on a small scale. Just like my father who likes planting in his backyard.

Nevertheless, gardening for the family is good, especially in a season like this when foodstuffs are on the high. Four cups of Garri now is #1000, 1HBD. For instance, in our house, we have 10 numbers of people, who know how to eat very well. My brothers can eat. Approximately, 10 cups of garri won't be enough for us. With the economic situation of Nigeria, we need to garden to produce food for the family.

Furthermore, my parents had determined to farm this season, especially cassava, cocoyam, sweet yam, water yam, and different types of veggies. It was adorable as I went to the village to eat fresh veggies prepared by my mother. This is a great benefit of gardening close to the house.

These are gardening techniques we used.

Gardening techniques include hand tools, hoe, shovel, spade, matchet, and wheelbarrow.

Benefits of gardening for family sustainable living and consumption.

Health and nutrition:

Gardening for the family encourages people to eat a healthy diet rich in fruits and vegetables which can lead to improved sound health and reduce the risks of chronic diseases. Homegrown veggies are more nutritious for the body than the store-bought produce. Or mixed veggies with fertilizer that will not add nutrients to the body.

Many people in our generation get sick because of unhealthy food. We need homegrown food to eat to keep us balanced.

Food reliability

Gardening provides a reliable source of food for the family and cuts down on some excesses or expenditures from economic uncertainty. This year we had enough food to eat to our satisfaction. We did not buy food like garri and fofo. We have in the house well stored.

Cost saving

Cultivating food at home saves money on expensive groceries over time. And leaving the family on the relief path. I was in the village, and my dad told me, how he was walking along the street and someone asked him why he was smiling, he responded with a smile, saying, "I'm not buying garri again". They laughed as my dad moved away. I stayed for three weeks without my dad buying garri or fofo. God is good.

Educational Opportunities:

Gardening offers educational experiences for both children and adults. Children in this family can learn about gardening techniques, skills, responsibility, life, and the importance of gardening.

Family building

Gardening can bring families together and strengthen bonds of unity through gardening experiences and lessons. It also provides ways for the family to relate with neighbors and share garden produce. I write this with a smile on my face as my neighbor brought fig fruit for us to eat while gardening in our vineyard. It was so satisfying and enjoyable as we shared in love and peace with the neighbors.

Overall, gardening for family-sustainable living/consumption fosters pivotal benefits, to the growth of the family, which include the aforementioned, improved food reliability, health and nutrition, educational opportunities, cost savings, and family building. By embracing gardening as a lifestyle, families can enhance their well-being while promoting a more sustainable and resilient future for the family as a whole.

This post is my contribution to the Inleo daily writing prompt. Today's focus is on farming, gardening, food sources

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I love, I care, and I forgive.

I remain @peckypeace.

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