Apocalyptic Homesteading (Day 1258)

Hello Everyone!

Getting more rest, A dwindling food supply, Some thoughts on starting over & Dreaming about the new land!

Alright, I am starting my writing routine a whole five minutes early tonight... which sure beats last night's record setting lateness! I have no idea how I slogged through that particular entry (given the late hour) but at least I stayed on track with my posting goals.

Somehow I even managed to fall asleep not long after wrapping up the writing last night... and getting another six hours of undisturbed sleep. To say that I was feeling 'well rested' after all that sleeping that I did yesterday... would be a massive understatement... but at least this morning the inflammation in my leg had begun to subside.

After doing my usual Hive engagement routine I decided to take the day off entirely... so that I would not cause that leg injury to flair up again. There were assuredly things that I could have done that would not tax it too much... but overall just walking on it for a few steps tends to be enough to make it start aching.

I have been taking large amounts of ibuprofen to combat the inflammation... and by and large... it seems to be working even though having to eat before taking the medicine is severely impacting my food supply. Given that I will be going into the new scenario flat broke... and with all my passive income (and savings) wiped out... it probably is not wise to use up all my 'emergency' food rations before moving... but I may well have to do just that.

Honestly, the more that I consider the entire moving and starting from scratch thing... the more that I have begun to question the sanity of it all. Sure, I will survive one way or another (and probably at great entertainment value to those whom tune into my sideshow of a life) but gods damn it being in survival mode is taxing, tiring... and often wears on me in such a way that I find little enjoyment in life along the way.

Perhaps if the land itself did not represent so many challenges in and of itself... like the steep terrain, no water, very little privacy buffer in the form of woods... and lots of close neighbors... I would undoubtedly feel very different about it all. Also, like I have said before... the scenario that I am currently in has played hell on my mind... and even if the new place was 'perfect' I would be in for a rough ride while I set things up... and start all over in life.

I know that a lot of folks would love to 'start from scratch on a piece of raw land' and for the most part I think that aside from folks over-romanticizing it, miscalculating the workload required... and ultimately being disappointed that it is not as fabulous as they thought that it would be... most folks would benefit from such an experience. For me though, I have done it enough damned times in life now to treat it with the brevity it deserves... along with a good amount of trepidation knowing just how squirrely the local humans can be.

Not to get too lost on that topic but the 'locals' can easily make or break the scenario for me... not to mention making my life a living hell along the way. Folks tend to not have much understanding for others living any kind of alternative lifestyle... and will ultimately decide that I am either up to something nefarious, trying to live illegally on my own land... or something along those lines.

I know that much of that sounds like I am overthinking things or being paranoid... but seriously I have been in enough similar scenarios to know that those are just the hard facts of some of what I will be facing. To ignore those kinds of factors would be sheer folly on my part... and at this point in my life I am not all that keen on the notion of thinking that 'everything will work out' on its own... by some miraculous convergence of good fortune... because I have an entire life of experiences where that has never been the case.

In other words I am going into this new phase of my life with my eyes wide open... and would prefer to maintain my pragmatic views than be swayed into some 'positive thinking' naivety... that leaves me woefully unprepared for the hardships ahead. Sure, I want to maintain a good attitude and strong morale through it all... but that does not mean that I should discount the things that I have learned over the years when starting over at a new place.

Anyways, today was not productive at all besides trying to get my leg to heal more... and truth be told... I slept for as much of the day as I humanly could in an effort to speed my recovery along. The interesting thing about all that sleep, is that I finally had a dream about the new land... which is neat given that I pretty much always dream of places before I arrive at them... and was more than a wee bit concerned over not dreaming about this one.

The dream itself was fraught with perils, wacky people and a good bit of surrealness... but at least I got a small glimpse into what might potentially lay ahead for me. The weirdest part is that one of the few good neighbors that I have ever had was in it also... and it was nice seeing their calm surety... and hearing their straightforward advice as to what I should do at the place.

Well, I have rambled on enough for this entry. I hope that everyone is doing well... and all that feel good jazz. Ta ta for now.

Some random yellow flowers that I cannot remember the name of!

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Cheers! & Hive On!

All content found in this post is mine!

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