Adventures In Homesteading (Day 30)

Hello Everyone!

My not-quite-a-schedule schedule, The dodgy internet solution, A zip-tied tent, Early morning music & Planting more black locust seeds!

Alright, I am yet again sticking to my 'non-schedule' with the writing routine... and doing it whenever I can squeeze it in during the afternoon. Even now it is not quite 'cool' enough to write comfortably in the writing tent... but I may as well bear through it... and make an early start on things given how dodgy my internet connectivity is.

I know that I have had the same problem with connectivity everywhere that I have been... but on this adventure it seems even more of challenge than it has been in many years. That combined with all the other 'difficulties' that the place has... sure makes feeling motivated (to post and such) less than appealing... and I have even had to forgo scrolling through what other folks are posting altogether.

Last night I spent more time looking at used cellular repeater amplifiers... and I might have found one that will not 'break the bank' to get. As I was saying yesterday... not having one is a pretty big deal given my reliance on the internet... so it looks like I am going to have to prioritize getting one.

Per usual my food budget is just going to have to suffer... because when it comes down to it... I have plenty of rice and flour to get me through slim times. What I do not have is an extra six hours a day dicking around trying to get the internet to work... just so that I can do some very basic online activities.

Anyways, my sleep cycle has remained the same and sans anything to do at night... I just let myself drift off almost as soon as I can get in the tent... and get the dogs given their evening treats. I should reiterate yet again how well they have adjusted to living in a tent again... and not constantly trying to escape or otherwise be a hassle when it is 'sleep time' each evening.

It is amazing that tent is still holding up given how much heavy use that it has seen... and just the other day a big rip formed in it where I had an extension cord ran through the wall. I racked my brain all day on how to fix it (besides sewing up a two meter long tear) and eventually decided to bunch it up along the tear, twist the two pieces of fabric together... and then zip-tie them in place... which worked way better than I thought that it would to seal the tent back up.

Early today (long before noon) there was a bunch of shooting nearby... and given that it is close enough that I can hear the 'plink' of the bullets hitting the metal targets... I decided all bets are off... and cranked up the music rig. To be clear here I did not 'immediately' do it... but it was not all that long afterwards... and yup seven hours later I still have the music playing... but at this point I have the volume turned down rather low.

Having the music again has been super nice... and throughout the day I wound up getting a bunch more black locust seeds planted... and working more in that main spring development site near the bar. For the most part I decided to remove all the brush that I had casting shade on the site... and get rid of all the small saplings in preparation of working on expanding the pool size.

With that site in particular it looks like it is mainly getting surface water (runoff) from the hill above it... so my plan is to leave all of that side of the site alone... and work on forming a better pool for the water to collect in. There are still several tree stumps and root systems to remove from it... but I think that once that I get it all cleared out (and dug up) that I will have a nice clay 'bowl' to serve as the pool.

Well, I think that I am going to keep this entry short and sweet... so that I can go back to zoning out to the music! I hope that everyone is doing well. Ta ta for now!

My black locust seed prepping kit!

A bunch of brush from the spring site!

This is how that spring site looks now!

A rare picture of the elusive... often exclusive... wild man himself!

Thanks for reading!

Please check out the Homesteading Community!

Cheers! & Hive On!

All content found in this post is mine!

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