Homesteading Community Highlights #11

Hello homesteaders, welcome once again to Homesteading Highlights! We've hit lucky number 11, and I'm happy to say that this edition will be posting on time for a change! (Hopefully I won't have to delete that sentence later!)

There's a bit of news to share before getting to this edition's highlighted posts, so let's dive into the dirt...

LeoFinance has launched the alpha for their new Twitter-like experience, LeoThreads. Sign in with your Hive keys, or with Hive Keychain (which is an excellent tool for managing your Hive keys). They've also given a generous delegation of LEO Power, so your threads and posts from these platforms can earn some real LEO rewards from our votes, on top of the HIVE rewards we already enjoy!

Speaking of delegations, I want to take this opportunity to ask for Hive Power delegations from the community. Our community account vote has reached about the $.01 value, and even small delegations from our members could help grow this significantly. If you have any questions about how to delegate, feel free to ask in the comments.

Speaking of our members, I would also like to announce that we've recently crossed the 600 member threshold! I don't know why this seems like a MUCH bigger deal to me than 500 members did, but I just can't stop smiling about it.

As you may have noticed, I've been playing around a bit with the community artwork. This will continue to be a work in progress, as I slowly dust off my GIMP and Blender skills. If anybody out there is handy with graphics and would like to put something together for the community, please drop images in the comments!

Last bit of news before getting to our featured authors:
I'm going to start dropping constructive criticism in the comments now and then. Most of you post content that is good, or very good, and I think with a little nudging, many of you could be posting content that is great. If any of you don't want my input, simply reply 'no thanks' to any of my suggestions, and I'll quit bothering you. 😁

Now, without any further ado...

🡇🡇🡇 Our Featured Posts 🡇🡇🡇

We'll start this week with something a little different... @bigorna1 has been experimenting with with some unusual, energy-based growing techniques. Definitely worth a look, I know I'm eagerly awaiting the next update!

You should know by now that I have a soft spot for chickens, and baby chicks especially! This post by @generikat is an indulgent treat of baby chick photos, and a good source of information about ordering baby chicks through the mail.

This next post, from @solominer, shows us that we can sometimes find treasures when clearing land. He relocated some wild bluberry bushes that were being cleared for a new access road, and we can't wait to see the results!

@iwansyuhada gives us another great look at smart use of available farmland, as well as the methods behind it, in this stunning view of his local farmland. If you're not already following this account, I highly recommend it!

One of the things discussed in the previous post is jakaba fertilizer. If, like me, you have no idea what that is, check out this post by @ridwanms, who shares the recipe in great detail.

This next post, from @charlissy, discusses getting seeds to sprout, both for planting and for food. Eating sprouts is a great use of excess seeds, especially if you collect your own.

Last, but we know never least, @agbogo shares a #yardfishing story that was sure to catch my eye. This looks like a promising new Hive account, so wish her a warm welcome and check it out!

That's a wrap for this week, folks! I hope you enjoyed our featured authors, our new graphics, and I hope to see you back for more!

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