Town, Corn, Oil Change, Graupel, Gnarly Car Crash, Weedeating, NHL, Pain - Tuesday

I made the run to Deer Park yesterday morning to pickup the oil and filter for my truck. I stopped at the store as well then got home and dropped stuff off before heading up the hill to the upper garden.


I planted 15 spots of corn on the west end of the garden, at least 6 kernels per spot so I have stands of corn that will be able to pollinate themselves.


Back on the farm I had to let my truck cool down before changing the oil so as not to scald myself. Turns out I was in dire need of an oil change so the timing was good. I checked the levels of other fluids and everything seemed okay. It runs a bit smoother now and with the engine treatment in I'm hoping it will clean it out a bit.


The weather was silly and after picking the boys up from school it decided to drop graupel on us. Some pretty fat blobs fell for a while before the cell moved on.


5 minutes later I was at my computer and heard the THUMP outside. A minute later the call popped up on my phone for the wreck and I ran out to see. As I stepped onto the deck and looked to the intersection I could see the vehicles through the trees. As I walked down our road I could smell the stink of battered vehicles. Being that there were already people there helping I stayed off to the side and watched, no point me getting in the way.


Pretty gnarly. The SUV was headed south on the highway and the truck pulled out in front of it from the other side. The SUV plowed into the driver's side of the truck. The woman driving the SUV was out on the ground cradling her about 3 year old child who ended up looking just fine. The medics got her into a collar for her neck then they had to cut the door off the truck to get the other driver out.


Here they cut the door off then collared the driver and got them into a waiting ambulance.


The boys and I watched the commotion for a while until they had the drivers to the ambulances. This is a fairly regular occurrence at our intersection and yet the DOT REFUSES to do anything to remedy it. There are numerous possibilities but they refuse all of them.

It was over an hour later before the wrecks were hauled off and the intersection opened back up.


After the excitement I went and got the weedeater tuned up and running. I then went and cut the grass along the path and in the inner yard. The birds do a pretty good job of keeping the grass trimmed around the farm so far.


It's the end of the NHL season and the playoffs are soon to be. The Kraken actually had an okay game but ended up losing anyway 4-3. They tried this time at least.


The entire day I fought with my ear that feels like there is a balloon inside. The pressure is really maddening and the dulled hearing just sucks. It is minorly better this morning but definitely still there.


Today I am still fighting the coop door opener, boys to and from school and J after running club, I need to pack my wing down for travel, tend to my stupid ear ache, then I will have to get the trailer prepped for a grain run tomorrow morning, and I need to get the animals waters all filled this morning.

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