The Great Pine Needle Pile, LORA/Mesh, Moving and Stacking Firewood, PDC, Chain Sharpening - Sunday

It took me a while to get outside yesterday morning as I was working with the wireless tracker setting it up and getting it on the meshnet. I have a bunch of ideas that I want to work on building to try and get a bunch of solar powered #lora routers mounted on a number of mountains in the region. I found that it IS possible to run a BBS over the #Meshtastic network and am super stoked to try and set it up.

Once outside I went around and gathered tools and got the bed liner ready to haul up the hillside. I drug it out to the end of the old road where I began to look for a way to get it up and then down.


I had looked earlier and it didn't seem like there would be enough on the road but once standing out there with the rake it was obvious I had a ton of needles at hand. I started raking a nice pile of them off the hill.


Then I began raking the needles into a long piled line as I worked my way back towards the house.


Before long I had a 150ft+ line built and it was blatantly obvious I couldn't use just the single bed liner for the mass amount.


So I hooked up the trailer and backed it all the way up to the bed liner where I tossed it on the trailer and began pitchforking the line pile.


I used the rake to push the line into larger piles so I could move the truck fewer times.


After half an hour I had all the needles mounded super high on the trailer and the bed of my truck as mostly full. I VERY slowly and gently drove back into the farm and parked the truck and trailer by the garden.


I went inside to watch the final match of the PDC Grand Prix which was last year's winner Humphries against De Decker who it was his first major final. AND HE WON! Super cool and Luke was very gracious in his loss. Both guys are just good humans and friends so it was a great match to watch.


After I headed out to empty the needles. I first drug the piece of plastic that was over the garlic garden to the open area in the middle of the rows.


Then I backed the trailer up and unloaded the massive pile. Rain is in the forecast for the next week plus so I put them on the plastic in hopes of covering them to keep them dry until I can get the garlic planted.


With said rain inbound I HAD to move the good firewood under cover. Last thing I want is the perfectly seasoned wood to get soaked with rain.


I got the fire going in the pit to burn off some of the debris then kept moving wood around.


I managed to get the pit wood stacked to one side so I could move all the lumber logs in. Perfectly seasoned, dry, lodgepole pine has to go under cover.


I was trundling ideas around my skull and ended up coming to the decision that I will go back up to get the load of lumber logs on Tuesday. That meant I had to get some chains sharpened. After a screw up I set the angle correct and got the 6 best chains sharpened.

I realized this morning that I have a chiro appointment tomorrow so I am going to go up and get the wood TODAY.


Got out to soak a bit late but only managed a little while due to my skin being a bitch.


I'll get the boys to school, let the birds out, then hook up the trailer and load the saw and straps and go up to the forest for a load of 16 foot long lodge pole pine that I can use for building lumber, I'll unload them all once home and then keep working in the garden as time is crunching.


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