Springtime Weather, Storage, UK Open, IFS, Fire, Grilling, Snow - Friday

In true Spring fashion yesterday morning started out with some sunshine making it past the clouds and giving the farm a bit of a glow. It didn't last too long though as it was hidden again by noon. As the clouds built back in the wind was blowing out of the south but it was a cold and chilly wind which kept me inside most of the day.


Over the morning I went around and gathered up winter gear and got it stuffed into the bins to go back to storage. I missed a few things so left the bins until today when I can get the rest of the snow pants and coats. It really helps having the storage to rotate seasonal clothes into and out of as it makes my dresser much neater and easier to keep my clothes in. No need having winter gear out in summer.


The UK Darts Open started and the format is wild where they have numerous boards in play at one time. There is no way to catch most specific matches but do get caught up through the day. It is a massive elimination tournament that starts with 160 and works down to the winner. There were a number of good matches over the day and even more today.


Started working through this and a few other books on IFS. Just wading in now so have a lot to learn and a shit ton to work on. It rings true what I have read and listened to but will not be easy to do.

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In the afternoon after picking the boys up from school I was watching the clouds get darker and darker and decided it was best to get the fire going in the pit before anything began to fall.


I had some lilac branches that needed burning and I cut them up with the shears then piled them all on. There was a ton of water left in the branches still and it began to boil out the cut end of the branches.


THEN.... at 4:30 it hit. It looked rather small and like it wouldn't last too long but you never can tell exactly with storms.


It started light but I could see the wall of white across the valley through the trees and it was heading our way.


Over 10 minutes it grew in veracity and the flakes got bigger, fatter, and a shit ton more of them began to fall.


Another 10 minutes and it was DUMPING big fat spring snow flakes.


And as quickly as it arrived it was gone. By 5pm it had stopped and within minutes it was melted away. The fire had managed to make it through the snow and after dark I got our burgers on to grill.


Got out to soak for a while but only managed about an hour as my anxiousness hit again with the beating of the jets on my back.


It is snowing again this morning as I type this. I woke to see it starting at 4:30am and there is an inch so far and maybe another possible before the sun comes up and the temps rise. UK Open is on now and will be going on much of the day, R has a birthday party to go to mid day, then we all have one to go to this evening.

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