More Brushing, Sewing My Wing, Hangar, Trailer Plane Bracket, Tarps, Batch 86 Started - Monday

Mid morning yesterday I was working on the brushing again. I cut out a bunch more and then hauled it to the pen for the animals to eat on. It is such a huge difference now to be able to walk through the island instead of the mass of bushes that it was.


UPS delivered my thread and needles so I got started with the repair to the wing. I did a little at a time over the day and came back a few times before I had it sewn.


The winds were starting to pickup so I took some time to finish the hangar side. The bars all got slid into the cover sleeves then I fixed them down lower and tight. It was good that I did it as later the winds were gusting up to near 30mph.


The bracket for the trailer to hold the rear wheels of the plane needed to be finished. I had to cut the all thread to length and needed 4 pieces.


I then had to drill more holes in the pipe and widen the holes I had drilled already.


I got the thing put together shortly before I had to go pick the boys up from school.


Once back I took the bracket and set it against the tires of the plane and it looks like it will work perfectly.


I ran a ratchet strap through each pipe and am able to lock the bracket down on the trailer. I will be able to set a ramp on each side and drop the rear wheels of the plane into the bracket, then strap it all down for the tow to the airfield.


The thread loosened a bit as I sewed so I had to wait until I got to the top to tighten it. I started at the bottom and pulled each step tight. I tied the thread off good at the top but now I need to find an epoxy or glue of some kind that I can coat the entire area with to harden it and keep the thread from pulling through the Dacron.


I was by the Tardis and found one of the tarps that had been on the studio roof. I laid the tarps out and found that they would work perfectly for the hangar.


I cut lengths then was able to use the eye holes on the edge of the tarp to zip tie them to the junctions along the hangar.


I got both sides done but need to deice how I will do the ends with the doors.


@stryeyz and the boys got the next batch going in the freeze dryer which is 3 trays of tomatoes and 2 trays of cucumbers.


Prepped everything for this morning before soaking.


Today I have to drop off 100+ cucumbers at the co-op, then no paragliding at Saltese due to inbound rain so I will be heading for home and working to get the farm ready for the rain. I have to do something for the greenhouse as the plastic is dying already (my fault for using non-greenhouse film), the sunflowers are all falling over and the squirrels have been eating them so I should really hack most of them down and toss them to the sheep.

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