Fog Soup, Grain Run, Empty Barrels, Rain, Writing, Wrestling Practice, Kraken - Wednesday

It was super thick fog yesterday morning. At times it was only a few hundred feet visibility until I got down into the city and it lifted from the ground thanks to the heat bubble of the city.


Traffic lights weren't visible until I was nearly at them and thankfully there was no traffic at 4:30am.


I have the traffic lights all timed out on my route to the breweries and have managed to get to where I am rarely coming to a full stop at them before they turn green. The super early time helps with that as the lights are sensored and change to timed after 6am. I backed into the alleyway of the Steam Plant and was surprised to see ZERO homeless under the train overpass. I did see someone across the street by the standard dumpster that they shoot up by. I've been curious just how much paraphernalia, rigs, pipes, etc gets left there but am not about to go looking.

The fog made the stacks glow in the dark of the morning.


I had 3 barrels waiting for me so one went to the bed of the truck while the two went on the trailer. I was able to move them without causing my neck to seize and get a migraine though I felt a tingle.


I was a bit annoyed at the SUPER bright light that got put in as it glows out the stacks but I rather like it now as it makes the alley have zero shadows and I feel super safe doing my thing. In fact I have only ever had one person talk to me in all the years of picking up grain and he drove by trying to sell stolen stuff. No homeless person has ever said a word to me.


The price of gas is finally falling, no thanks to the despot governor we have. It only took $55 to fill my tank instead of the $75+ it had been.


J woke up sick so he was home for the day and he lazed around on the couch for much of it. It was after 9am when I headed out to empty the grain barrels. The two on the trailer I backed into the main garden and spread it out over the snow. It's taken until recently for the deer to discover it but the birds are the ones who spend most of the day pecking around in it.


The third barrel got dumped into the sheep pen where I could see the deer had been a lot more.


It rained all afternoon which meant J and I were inside. He on the couch and me at my computer writing. I've made it to the last 3 scenes and over the day I wrote 4750 words and now have over 17,500 down. I'll likely end up about 25k words by the time I'm done. I put Mythbusters on for him to watch and after picking R up from school they both sat and watched.


I got dinner made in time and then took R to his first wrestling practice of the season. This is his 3rd year so he has a good handle on what is going on and he is less likely to fool around constantly. It's great watching them all buzz around like high speed bees.


They have a makeup practice on Friday since the first two were weather canceled. No tournaments until March unless we want to go to one. This year we likely will stick with just the March ones unless he is kicking ass and wants to keep going. We are now part of USAWrestling which is a nationwide thing and allows the kids to compete on high levels.


With wrestling we make sure that R gets in the hot tub after practice in the chlorine to help kill off any potential staff bacteria from the mats.

I was out of the tub around 9pm and went inside to catch the last bit of the Kraken game against Chicago which they destroyed Chicago 6-2. This is NOT going to be a playoff year for them at his point being 22nd in the standings. It would take an insane run to drag them up the standings.


Today looks to be dry but I ended up getting whatever J has overnight so woke up this morning with the sinus garbage and sick feeling so I am already into my second half gallon of hot tea since 3:30am. J might go to school if he is feeling better but R should be fine, I will be writing more trying to finish this story, this afternoon I'll head up to Deer Park to pickup our shirts for the race that wasn't, then @stryeyz will be at a show with friends for the evening so it will be the boys and I for dinner at home.

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