Coop Door, Feed, Bale, Cages, Bees, Book, Peas, Mowing, Rain - Tuesday

What a super busy day it was yesterday. The prior night the birds had jacked up the door opener by perching on the window sill. So the first thing I did was to figure out the mounting. I had to fill the gap with a 4x4 as the motor wires are a bit short. I fixed the box to the board but am able to open the front if need be.

To keep them from perching I installed a short 2x4 then fixed the piece of metal roofing to them. It fits perfect and covers the entire window sill to absolutely keep the birds off.


The inside feeder got filled to the top but I will have to top it off again this morning.


I got the list of farm tasks written up for our sitter but had to amend it a few times.

While cleaning in my truck I realized that I could mount the power inverter in the place where I had the cb mounted. It keeps it out of the way but nicely accessible.


With rain rain and more rain in the forecast I made sure to get the rubber sheets fixed to the top of the bale to help sheet the water off. I'm glad I did because it rained all night last night.


I need to get more tomato cages as I am about 6 short to fill the pepper row. The cages work great for the peppers, better than tomatoes I think.


Around noon I got my suit on and went to the hive to check on everyone. They are plugging away very nicely and were lucky to get a bunch of full frames to work with. The hive was rather mellow as I got into it but I'm still glad I wore my suit.


I pulled the queen cage out, added the missing frame, refilled their syrup jar, then put the hive back together.


SUPER stoked to get my new book! I've had one of his original books for 30+ years but this is a new and updated book that combines a few of his older books into one, which I put chapter tabs on right away. I still went on ABE books and ordered 4 more of his older books to keep filling out my collection.


The peas all needed to be pushed into the fences to help them find the wire to climb. Some plants are over a foot tall so far.

The animal waters all got topped off then before I headed to pickup the boys from school.


Once back I had to go mow before the rains hit. The first area was just below the trampoline where I had to try and miss the strawberries but cut the grass and weeds. I did okay but not perfect.


Then I plowed through the area between the potato garden and the creek.


Finally I cut the area above the potato garden. The areas around the potato garden grow the most on the farm and need the most recurrent cuttings. Nicer now though with the string mower.


I had gotten most everything done I needed to outside by the time the rains hit. It was mostly a drizzle for the evening but then overnight it turned on big time.


@stryeyz had to work late and it was a bit later when we got out to soak. I was out a few minutes before 9pm so I could go watch the coop door and gather any wayward birds not going inside.


I was happy to find all the turkeys had made it inside without a problem. Super stoked that they have learned so quickly.


It is dumping rain this morning but will be done by about 7am. Have to get the boys to and from school, finish the tasks on my list, finish packing, load the truck, ensure the farm is good to go, then we will be on our way east. One of the nieces is graduating high school so we have to be back there for it. Tonight Bozeman than tomorrow North Dakota.

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Hive Posting Streak Days16811458/4

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