🔰 Education For All 🔰 Importance Of Female Education

Hello there,
Today I'm going to discuss about education. You may wondering that still there are so many places where people doesn't have any concern about education. Specially they are callous about female education and child education. There so many reasons behind this issue but most of them showed the reason is poverty. Well, poverty is a reason but there are still some reason we may find if we collect a report on it. Uneducated people hardly understand the value of education, in other hand some uneducated people wants their child should be educated and they don't want their children also stay in the darkness like them. So specifically we can't blame the uneducated parents in this case.
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Education shouldn't have any particular age. We can raise public awareness about the importance of education. If a old women wish to have education at her old age she should have chance and we educated people should arrange an adult education center for them. And conscious educated people also do that. There are many villages in India, Bangladesh and Pakistan where women education doesn't appreciated or encouraged. Reasons are many among them one is early marriage of girls and break of study, superstitions and the lack of proper knowledge of education. Sometimes its hard to make them understand that they are wrong. Some believes that women are only for doing household works and education is not for them at all. But they don't know that they are spoiling the life of a woman or girl.
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Old age people mostly ignored and if they wish to have education in their late age people mostly laugh at them and discourage which is really very pathetic. Unfortunately those kind of society still exist where female education doesn't appreciated as parents are concern about the security of girls so they never allow girls to go to the city and have higher education. That is a painful side in female education. When I was a kid, I saw public awareness animated cartoon in television that was a girl child name Meena in her family ignored for having education and she was victim of gender discrimination for the ignorant society and later she was able to convinced her parents for her education. It was a cartoon and comic too which also dubbed in several languages to arise awareness of female education and the importance if education in our life among South Asian people. It was published by UNICEF.
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Young or old, male of female there should be no discrimination when they need to have education. As a educated human being we should encourage them and also should appreciate their efforts. There are many old people who make excuses where some show interest to learn so those interested people should have chance to get proper education as much he can do it let him do it. We should arrange classroom for them and also extra care if possible when they are trying to acknowledging. Still there are many areas where you can find child labor, child beggar. As an educated individual I really have concern for them and I wish to do something for them in near future. Night school can helps people who can't manage time in the day for education. There are many night colleges and schools available here as many students works all day long and go to night school or college. Hats off to them, they are such warriors as they work for livelihood and manage time for study, these people truly deserves to be respected. I appreciate their efforts and will always help them as much I can.

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I have some good plans for street kids but its only possible when I'll be more eligible financially. We all educated individuals should help them if we help then our society will improve more day by day. I'm glad that development is happening as digitalization create many scopes for we people who looks for work after completing graduation or post graduation. For every kind of ages people can continue their study in open school. In open schools there are no restriction of age, women in my village I know they continued their study even after their marriage and after giving birth of children. They got family support, if every family gives support then it will be easy for women to get proper education and improve the society a lot. We can work on it. Let's do it and make a better world.
Thanks for taking time to read my blog !!!

Photos of this blog taken from https://pixabay.com/

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