The Simple Joys: Magic In The Mundane

There are these small, magical moments...

Where God speaks through the senses, infusing the soul with wonder and awe at the simplest of beauty in a variety of form...


As I pulled into the Revelstoke Campground, walking into the office to check in, I was taken aback with surprise at a group of white ducks marching by...

The longer I’ve stayed (now on my 7th day), the deeper my appreciation for these marvellous animals have grown.

Residing at/by a lovely little pond next to the washrooms, the ten funny, fuzzy fellows add a warmth and joy to the space that makes it all the more like something out of a fairy tale.

There have been moments I’ve slowed down to simply observe the sheer beauty of these beings, immersed in utter appreciation for the reflections of what basic gifts nature offers.

Their radiance, the peacefulness in being...

There really are no words to capture the essence of their perfected form in its uniqueness.

The ability of these creatures to evoke such appreciation and love of life, so amazing.

The multi-sensory experience of a fine antipasto...

This masterfully-chosen blend of olives, sun-dried tomatoes, artichoke, and capers in an oil, herb, and garlic marinade... so simple, yet so rich in its complexity of flavors.

The complexity of taste sensations, triggering an alchemical effect on consciousness, opening the third-eye to dimensions beyond taste & smell, activating the heart’s perception of the pure love poured into this grand creation of the universe.

The sun, glistening to ‘add’ depth to the array of colours... the lustre & glimmer of the oil’s body synergistically amplifying the shades of vivid red and exquisite greens... the reflections of light sparkling like the twinkle of God’s blink - as though revelling in delight, seeing the pure enjoyment of such perfected fruits of this sublime Mother Earth...

So basic.

Yet such infinite reverence for the pristine experience flooded with the mastery of the Divine at but one of its finest culinary delights.

(And on a separate evening, a venture into entirely new taste sensations with Moroccan Sundried Olives... travelling the world via the tongue.)


Certain moments in the forest...

Flowing on trails through trees sprouted decades before any of us were here, out of a lush carpet, an unfathomably rich, diverse ecosystem unto itself...

The energy within sections of space, pulsing in radiance of the earth’s heartbeat - encapsulating every cell of being in a field of organic essence, phenomenal beyond words...

Like an extended still frame, no longer than 5-10 seconds of time come and gone, never to be repeated again - in which the soul is transformed through quantum leaps into higher octaves, the heart activated by via the potency of Godly nectar flowing through every ounce of matter in sight...


Sleeping and waking up in nature.

The sounds of nature, a Divine lullaby, easing the body into tender rest.

The depth in rejuvenation, surrounded by forest, cleansed with fresh mountain air.

The softness of energy, cuddling the aura in a bath of serene radiance, cleansing the spirit with a purity of form.


A local farmer’s market...

The perusal of a region’s fruits & vegetables, so vivid in color, crisp, and fresh - drastically unlike anything found in a typical grocery store.

The atmosphere of a true community - the healthiest of organic foods grown and sold by real people living on the land whom you can look in the eye, glimpsing through those ‘windows to the soul’ to feel the labour of love invested in their crafts.

A variety of artisan products never to be found in a corporate chain, imbued with a raw spirit of the earth exclusive to the place its ingredients grown.

Rare works of art birthed through their parents’ relationship with the environment, extensions of their love for their home - the observation of, an experience transformed through a subjective immersion in that land.

An ever-refreshing escape from the capitalistic matrix of franchised, industrialized food - returning close to the roots of Gaia and heart-based human connection.


T’is these small things...

The magic in the mundane...

The simple joys...

That make life worth living.


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