Quest For A Good Quaff To Quill It Down

Feel Good Community Presents Alphabet Hunt Letter "Q"

Quaff down a quart at the end of day, We call it a sun-downer, quenching ones thirst to end off of a hot humid day they are arriving back again soon, nothing beats quaffing down a beer!


Yes I do miss my "quartermaster" older brother who would bellow the sun is going down somewhere let's have one now!


Quill Pen writing tool made from feather of large birds used before invention of nib pens for dipping into ink, wonder in the Hadadah bird weather would make a great quill pen.


Quills of porcupine found when out walking, never see them only evidence of life when they drop a quill or two along roads or paths.

Africa has two the Cape Porcupine and African Crested Porcupine with quills that are not barbed like the American continent species.


Quiescent 5+ months covid-19 made the world dormant, we all held our breath waiting for an eruption in some form. During this time of quiet and stillness, was a time of reflection about life.

Home at the beginning of the five months, now the lawns are brown, how time changes the rolling green hills, recent rains they will be green soon.

Sky Blue 12012018.png
Dreaming about mountains high, escape is coming soon....


Quelea Small weaverbirds that wreck havoc with farmers, seed eaters that clear grain crops in a sitting. Red-billed quelea cover the sky, when moving look like smoke from a fire in the distance.



Quagga An Animal that went extinct in 1800's due to over hunting, subspecies of the Zebra of which I have shared a photo of Zebra, hopefully one day we will have the pleasure of seeing the Quagga again or something close to what lived here.


Due to having stripes over neck, head and shoulders the quagga was said to be a relative of horses and zebra. Today their is a project being performed to try revive the Quagga on the plains of the Karoo (originally Northern Cape and Orange Free State), how successful this will be is yet to be found out.


Quay Areas better known as restricted for large shipping where harbour of concrete are constructed for convenient loading or off-loading of goods or passengers.


Small quayside may be found in many places where area borders land and water, relaxing little places with much to see and do in many parts of the world.



This brings me to the end of the "Q" alphabet hunt always having some fun!

All photography is my own, any queries or requests please drop a comment below, have a wonderful day!

Thought for Today: " He who runs after good fortune runs away from peace." - African Proverb

Alphabet Hunt #feelgood community @barbara-orenya in hive-190931

Communities On Hive I Enjoy: #powerhousecreatives hive-114105, #qurator hive-102880, #featheredfriends @melinda010100 in hive-106444, #wednesdaywalk @tattoodjay in hive-155530, #amazingnature @adalger in hive-127788, #alwaysaflower @dswigle in hive-154065, #feelgood community @barbara-orenya in hive-190931, #fungifriday @qwerrie in hive-166168



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