Bonding Moments Are The Best

Inspired by #MarketFriday by @dswigle

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All photos featured are from my collection.

I am back once again for another edition of #marketFriday.

When I was a student, my most favorite day was Friday. One reason was I did not need to wake up too early the following day, as there was no school. Well, that was true until I got to high school. We used to have our P.E. (physical education) classes on Saturdays. Ugh! But, what did that have to do with my topic for today? Probably nothing. You see, Friday is my daughter's last work day for the week. I don't get the same privilege, as I work until Saturday. Anyway, what usually happens is I drop by her workplace and pick her up after work. Then, we proceed to whatever activities we have lined up, like grocery night or the movies. Although we don't always go out on Friday nights, it has become a favorite hangout night. One thing for sure, we don't usually go far from our neighborhood. We do not enjoy the commute and the traffic.

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Look at those delectable delights on the display case! I will share some close up photos in a little while.

Here is one of those impromptu after-work moments with my daughter. We walked a few blocks from her office to this nearby cafe. She told me that she was feeling a little hungry and was craving for pasta.


The drinks were the first to arrive.


Creamy carbonara. Yum! It seems that wherever we go my daughter tries out the carbonara. I wonder if she has found her favorite version.

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I had the tomato and basil linguine. Yes, I do remind myself to eat healthy at all times. It was a scrumptious meal, but more than the meal itself, it was the bonding moment that made it all delightful. We get to sit down, talk about each other's day, and share stories. What could be more fun than that, right?

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As promised, here are the close up photos of two of the delectable delights on the display showcase. This one's the chocolate liqueur fruitcake. The photo below shows the espresso fruitcake.

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Well, that's it for this week's edition of #marketFriday.

Enjoy your first weekend of 2020! _

* * * * * * *


me avatar created from bitmoji app from my mobile


I'm a graduate of Steem Terminal's October Redfish Rally


I'm on Steem 'coz of:

My main affiliate program ===> ClickTrackProfit

Documenting my life's journey:

My main blog ===> Fresh Start

I started a series since October 2018...

'Coz I like Tumblr ===> I Am Raincrystal

to learn more about either of these projects, please visit: @heyhaveyamet or @steemterminal


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