Rant splodge

I've been working up a pretty good rant for some time; It's been bubbling away within me like magma deep below the crater of a volcano, slowly getting hotter and hotter, working its way upwards through the fissures and cracks in my patience and tolerance, just like magma working it's way to the surface of the earth.

I've known it's there, have swallowed it down at times, but knew it would burst forth in a molten spray of rant-lava, like the Mount Krakatoa eruption itself!...Globby rant-magma would be splurging everywhere, splodging on everyone within splodge-distance and covering them in its sticky mess...It was just a matter of time.

...But what to rant about.

Maybe I could rant about corona virus and how this miraculous disease from who knows where, CHINA, seems to have single-handedly destroyed 2020 and in my opinion will do the same to 2021...

It's caused governments to tighten their draconian control-measures, allowed them to tell us when we can and can't work and earn money, where we have to stand, what we have to wear on our faces, and of course, that old favourite of mine...The importance of washing our hands...As if a human who lives in our modern society should have to be told that.

Ah yes, but they do don't they? It seems some people still don't understand that sneezing in their hand and shaking someone else's with it spreads germs, or that wiping their ass and getting shit on their hand and then not washing it then spreads said shit to everything else they touch. Ah yeah, the trail of shit...The gift that keeps on giving. No, people need to be told that they are disgusting fucking assholes for not washing their hands. Thanks for your information governments of the world and asshole celebrities on twatface and fuckbook, we hail you and your genius. Where would we be without you?

Although, maybe I should rant about the fact that my hand-wash-advocating government have only just today put us back into lockdown, shut businesses, the complete education system and are not allowing more than one person out of the household at a time, and only then to get supplies.

Or, should I rant about said government who recently insisted on letting international flights into South Australia to repatriate the whinging bastards who have taken skills gained in Australia to other countries to earn the big bucks, and pay no taxes here, who moaned like little babies about coming back to Australia. I mean what did the government expect would happen when said returnees, some infected, filled up the repatriation hotels for their two week quarantine? Nothing? A week later...The State shuts down due to an outbreak of the virus all over the place. Thanks government. Worth a rant you think?

How about a little rant about people who, only moments after the 1230 announcement of the lockdown beginning at midnight the same day, stormed the supermarkets to clean out the toilet paper aisle, non-perishable food and liquor stores? I've said it before and I'll say it again...Get prepared well ahead of time and panic buying won't happen. But no...Preppers are kooks...I mean come on, a pandemic won't happen, civil unrest won't happen...How ridiculous to think it! [This is sarcasm you know.]

Or maybe I should rant about the fact that my mother in-law had a terrible nose-bleed this evening. You know she had a cancer operation last week right? We've been living with her looking after her since, so a nose bleed that doesn't stop grabbed our attention.

Faith called the oncologist ward at the main hospital here and they said call emergency and get an ambulance quick smart...Ok, seems serious. I do so and wait. And wait. And wait.

[It's busy...Covid 19 you know G-dog.]

So I wait. And wait...Patiently of course.

And in the meantime my mother in-law is sitting on her bed with a bowl of blood held under her steaming nose that seems not to want to stop bleeding, tears in her eyes and going whiter by the minute.

And we wait so more...

And then I call again, an hour after my initial call...And they say they are two hours away. Yeah, two hours. Thanks for the call to let us know ambulance service. (Govermnent operated.)

I don't know, am I in a third world country here? I took a look around to check and nope, I'm in Australia for sure.

For the record, Faith put her straight in the car and drove her to emergency herself. That was over an hour ago, 2230, and here I am at almost midnight and I just got a message that she's still in the emergency department waiting for a bed to become available.

Worth a rant you think? The fact that the government keep welcoming people into this country but can't provide basic services for the ones that are (born) here? Hmm.

You know what y'all, I don't know if I'll bother with the rant; I don't think it'll do much at all...I might just try and zone out, wait for the call from Faith at the hospital to let me know what's happening and go from there. I don't have the energy for a rant right now anyway.

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised.

Be well
Discord: galenkp#9209

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