The January Resolution Dilemma Solved

Hi Reality Masters,

Source: licensed to me

There’s a dilemma every year at this time and it puts us regularly onto Santa’s naughty list. It’s the dilemma of the New Year Resolutions. Every time that Christmas thing comes around we do our best to promise that we’ve been good this year, but there in the back of our mind is that niggling New Years Resolutions list that kinda got left behind.

Well, thankfully this year there is a solution that you may find much more effective than repeating the same mistakes year-in year-out. We'll come back to this a little later, but first let's get clear on how widespread the problem really is and see how well we compare to others in the same boat.

@didiee Tells us that new year resolutions barely work (@didiee/new-year-resolutions-barely-work-heres-why), and asks, are new year resolutions even necessary?

I agree with her in saying yes, the process of spending time each year to set our goals for the coming year is absolutely beneficial, but not in the form of a new year resolution. Unfortunately, the majority of the population don’t agree with setting resolutions, and only a tiny minority make progress each year.

Source: licensed to me

According to Mick over at insideoutmastery only 38.5% of US adults bother to set any resolutions for the year. The most interested group for setting resolutions are young adults, of whom 59% set some goals.

Despite all this enthusiasm only 9% successfully keep their resolutions, while most quit during January.


And this is a well known, annual repetition. Each year we (those that actually have enough enthusiasm to try) voluntarily set ourselves up to fail at something. And to fail quickly at it. I suppose if we are intending to fail at something, we may as well get it over with quickly so we can try and forget about it – there’s another season of Love Island starting soon, that’ll distract us from remembering yet another life failure!

Okay, you’ve read this far, so you’re serious about wanting to change that annual failure. Maybe this year you think you want to make a success out of your resolutions, your goal setting, your plans for improvement?

So how about writing a book instead?

Huh? I hear you ask, write a book?

Source: Photo by Suzy Hazelwood,

Yep, but this one is different. This one is your Lifebook, it’s a book authored by you and all about you. It’s a book that contains all your wildest dreams for your life, all your resolutions, and all the things you didn’t make resolutions about because they seemed too far off to matter. But this is not a book of fiction, it is backed by scientific experience of why people fail at their resolutions, and it provides effective support to overcome them.

Mick (remember him?) says in his study that the biggest reason why people give up on their resolutions are because of a lack of motivation.

35% of people attribute losing motivation as the top reason for giving up

Looking at the statistics regarding resolutions, 20% of people set only ONE resolution, while a smaller 18% set 2 or more. With such low expectations, it’s no wonder that motivation flounders quickly. So what if you were to set yourself 12 resolutions, you’d be so far ahead of the crowd that you’d be sending them postcards – wish you were here, weather is wonderful, the motivation is awesome!

Source: licensed to me

This is exactly what the process of creating your Lifebook does. You are guided through 12 major important categories of your life. It is this full awareness of life that makes Lifebook so powerful, where thousands of people have successfully used it to make real change in their lives. The interlinking of each of these 12 categories provides effective motivation to stimulate change in the other supporting categories. No category stands alone, each one provides additional support to other aspects of your life, keeping you well balanced and self-motivated to continue. Instead of another year of failed resolutions, Lifebook can be your high-octane solution even if your wish is a low-octane lifestyle.

nearly 50% of people set exercise as their most popular resolution

According to Mick, nearly 50% of people set exercise as their most popular resolution, and yet 91% of people fail to keep even this going.

That’s every single year!

The reason is that fitness in and of itself is not enough motivation to keep going. When we see how exercise fits into the other 11 categories of our Lifebook, we recognise why having it as a single resolution can never be enough to make it sustainable. And it’s this process of identifying the other 11 important categories of our life which interlink with exercise that makes having a Lifebook so successful in keeping us motivated to make real change.

yet 91% of people fail to keep even this going

Image of me by me

So this post has been an opportunity to whet your appetite for Lifebook, an opportunity for you to know that there is a chance in actually being successful in achieving your new year resolutions this year.

But it has also been an opportunity to see why new year resolutions will regularly fail for the majority that don’t have this level of personal support.

I completed my own Lifebook nearly two years ago and I have made significant changes in my life since then. When Jon and Missy at Lifebook offered the opportunity last year for some of us to train as Lifebook Leaders I jumped at the chance because I wanted a way to share this way of self discovery with others. The greatest benefit is that there is no single result for everyone, it is totally personalised to every individual’s vision.

You certainly don’t need a personal Certified Lifebook Leader like me to help you complete your own book of life, but you may wish to check out my details here…

I’m also providing support for Lifebook here in Meta Life Mastery Community because it is the most effective tool that I have come across that encompasses training in all the major aspects of a successful life; a success defined by you for you, not by someone else. Whenever I find a tool that is this customisable and personalisable it will always find a place on my Life Mastery shelf.

May you find benefit in exploring Lifebook for yourself.

Thanks for reading. My intent is to provide beneficial information, tools, links and subjects that you can use in your physical and spiritual life to make greater progress towards your individual life purpose.

Our community is here to help you explore every aspect of life that can be helpful to you. If you found this information helpful please let me know. If not, please let me know.

I hope you enjoyed this post and learned something new. Have an awesome and progressive day. My day is always awesome after an upvote 😉

RealityMaster Dave

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