Multiple Medical Researchers Connect Cases of Justin Beiber's Facial Paralysis To COVID19 Vaccine Use

Yet another famous person hit by 'surprise' symptoms that have been directly linked to the COVID19 vaccines - Justin Beiber has lost nervous control of one side of his face. Pharma industry PR agents jumped into high gear on mainstream social media to try to stop fingers being pointed, but Beiber's 'Ramsay Hunt Syndrome', had already been tied to the COVID19 vaccines months previously.


As reported by the Daily Mail and numerous other outlets, Justin Beiber has released a video showing how one side of his face has lost nervous function - meaning that he cannot blink or move his mouth on one side of his head. He apologized to fans for having to cancel shows and said that he expects to recover but does not know how long it will take.

He described in a short video how this was diagnosed as 'Ramsay-Hunt Syndrome' - a usually rare problem that sees nerve cells damaged by the presence of a virus. The effects are typically more severe than with 'Bell's Palsy', which is another similar problem that was identified as a possible adverse effect of use of the COVID19 vaccinations by manufacturers early on in their testing processes.

As with the many examples of absurd explanations being posited by mainstream media for the sudden, large upswing in cases of unexpected heart attacks and unexpected deaths (including claims that sunspots, global warming, too much exercise, cannabis use and just about anything else the hacks can think of as an excuse) - the mainstream media has seemingly made no mention at all of a possible connection to Beiber's enthusiasm for the COVID19 vaccinations.

Beiber's partner, Hailey also suffered a mini stroke and was diagnosed with a hole in her heart - both of which are unusual for a person of her age and could also very well be associated to the use of COVID19 vaccinations.

Given Justin Beiber's mandating of COVID19 vaccines for attendance at his gigs, it is extremely likely that both he and his partner have received multiple COVID19 vaccination injections.

At least two medical-science articles were published in 2021 (around the same time) which identify likely links between COVID19 vaccinations and cases of Ramsay Hunt syndrome.

In this piece by the Spanish Society of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology, the authors identify that:

We recently assessed a female patient at our centre who exhibited symptoms consistent with Ramsay-Hunt syndrome following administration of the COVID-19 vaccine. At the time of writing, we are not aware of any other published cases of a similar nature

At around the same time, another piece was published in the British Medical Journals, describing another similar case:

The diagnosis was RHS leading to peripheral facial nerve palsy, vestibulocochlear neuropathy and glossopharyngeal somatic sensory neuropathy. As his symptoms developed 2 days after vaccination, we suspected the vaccination triggered RHS. This would be the first reported case of RHS after COVID-19 vaccination.

At this time, around 9 months ago, both of these sets of authors thought that they were the only people to see the connection between COVID19 vaccines and RHS. It is highly likely that there had been numerous other cases which were not caught by such open minded and questioning researchers. Since then there have no doubt been other cases which have also been attributed to other causes and not connected to the COVID19 vaccine use.

There is clearly a curious warping of perception in many people who have become totally besotted with the claims made by the pharmaceutical industry that the vaccines are 'safe and effective'. So much so, that evidence to the contrary is heavily denied or rejected without any inquiry, since to admit error would invalidate deeply programmed beliefs, held in place by hidden fear and insecurities.

Completely proving the connection between the many unexpected injuries and diseases that have sprung up during the post-COVID-vaccine era will take dedicated research and funding of a kind that the pharmaceutical industry is almost guaranteed not to pay for. Non commercial scientific research into medical issues is a rare thing, so don't expect this to change any time soon. However, use of our own intuition, common sense and the precautionary principle is enough to keep those of us safe who choose to rely on our own internal defenses, rather than to believe the claims of corporations who have repeatedly been proven in court to be among the greatest liars in human history!

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