SHOCKING: Analysis of CDC Data CONFIRMS MASSIVE 40% Spike in Deaths Among 18-49 Year-Olds Over the Past Year – Still Unexplained: by Julian Conradson - January 19, 2022


Warm greetings all. 🙏💚

This article on the Gateway Pundit popped up this morning. What is most interesting about it to me is the data correlates with information from the life insurance industry that I posted about 16 days ago, Indiana life insurance CEO says deaths are up 40% among people ages 18-64, which the Gateway Pundit article mentions.

For those that have been keeping track of the various, and quite numerous data streams outside of [their] controlled echo chamber, this information, while extremely disturbing, is far from new. Since the rollout of these 'vaccines' worldwide, there has also been a corresponding, and very notable jump, in the mortality rate when compared to last year, before they were pushed on the populations of the world.

Due to the intense censorship, delegitimization, and deplatforming of those attempting to bring this important information to light, the scrubbing and obfuscation of data, and the outright lies on part of those pushing these Crimes Against Humanity, we don't actually know how many people worldwide have been injured or killed by this insidious and evil agenda. We do, however, have correlated data from multiple sources, and across industries and sectors of society, that give us at least an idea of the extent of the harm. In any case, we do know that it is far greater than most yet realize.

Having children now sounds like a very good idea to me, but outside of [their] parasitic, satanic, anti-human slave matrix.

I stand with and for all those who stand for Humanity at this pivotal point in history. 🙏💚

SHOCKING: Analysis of CDC Data CONFIRMS MASSIVE 40% Spike in Deaths Among 18-49 Year-Olds Over the Past Year – Still Unexplained - by Julian Conradson on the Gateway Pundit

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