Indiana life insurance CEO says deaths are up 40% among people ages 18-64


The death rate for those aged 18-64 has risen an astonishing 40% over pre-pandemic levels, according to the CEO of Indianapolis-based insurance company OneAmerica.

"We are seeing, right now, the highest death rates we have seen in the history of this business – not just at OneAmerica," said Scott Davison, head of the $100 billion insurance company that's been in operation since 1877 and has approximately 2,400 employees.

Warm greetings all.

Keeping track of the number of 'adverse events' and deaths connected to the genocide jabs has been very challenging indeed due to the massive censorship and intentional dis/misinformation since the rollout of these 'vaccines'. We are able to get a somewhat clearer view, however, from diverse fields, such as morticians and those involved in life insurance.

In the various counties where these experimental gene 'therapies' have been pushed, we've seen a very notable rise in mortality, and in line with their introduction. With the obfuscation of data on adverse reactions and death, however, very few of these events would actually be listed as having occurred due to the 'vaccines', but rather as innumerable 'other' causes, as can be gleamed from the information in this article.

There are estimate that within two years, we could see approximately two billion people dead. I truly pray that this is not the case, however, with things progressing as they are, it would not surprise me.

We truly must find the courage within ourselves to stand for who and what we love, and for Humanity. We are going through the eye of the needle, so to speak. I know we will get through this, but it won't be easy. I am deeply grateful for all those who are awake to what's going on, who do not comply, and who hold the line for those that can't yet see. Thank you! 🙏 💚

Tyler Durden - Zerohedge

Margaret Menge - The Center Square

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