GOING SIDEWAYS COVID-19: Quarantines In The West

GOING SIDEWAYS COVID-19: Quarantines In The West

Just a reminder, here is another article where there is a patient who was sick for 10 days before developing pneumonia......

Health officials confirm 1st COVID-19 case in Nebraska

Okay, on to today's topic. Quarantines and the public's distrust of government and our authority figures. In this video I discuss my observations of the trend in the western world toward quarantines and how this is being set up. I start with the expansions in Italy and then discuss the situation with Governor Cuomo in New York. New York State has been alert and you need to watch that VERY carefully. We are being misled as to the intentions there. Let's think about it and let's spend a moment on this.

NY Containment Zone for cleaning.jpg

"A designated “containment zone” in New York’s New Rochelle will close for two weeks beginning Thursday in an effort to contain the spread of novel coronavirus in the area. In a press briefing on Tuesday, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said the area is a radius of one-mile surrounding a so-called “hot spot” of COVID-19 cases."

Note the time frame of two weeks and one mile radius.

"Schools and facilities, including some businesses such as “large gathering places” or those that “bring large quantities of people together,” will close for two weeks as officials work to sanitize the area. Cuomo said the National Guard would be assisting the sanitation efforts and that Northwell Health is setting up a satellite testing facility in the area."

"Residents who live in the area, however, would be able to come and go as needed, Cuomo said."

The National Guard is going to help clean. Really?! Aren't there companies who provide this service? Can't they do a mass hire with a government contract thereby helping the economy and the unemployed?! The answer is yes.

This is step one. Mark my words, once the national guard is in place and set up, an expansion will occur. Here in the US, citizens are armed. We also would notice an army convey headed towards an area and sound the alarm causing people to scatter. They are actually setting up a quarantine zone right now in plain sight. Don't worry, it's just facilities not people. Relax while we get everything all set up. They are not there to clean people!!!!

Now, why does this concern me? Is this not for our own good? I mean quarantining areas makes sense right? Well, in this video I explain why I am concerned. I discuss the handling of this situation so far. How situations have been handled in the recent past. I discuss the overall distrust of the public when it comes to those in positions of power and the tendency to abuse that power. We know the agenda and we know our welfare is not a priority. I explain my point of view on this issue in my usual passionate way. Sorry, it's too much to type out so you are stuck with watching the video.

Here is the video available only on BitChute.

2019 Thumb Nail .jpg

(Just click the picture to watch the video)

So, prep not for weeks but for months of self-reliance and disruption of domestic distribution of goods. Prep extra as you know your neighbors and friends will be unprepared. Especially the ones who think you're crazy. Be a leader in this situation and remember we are a nation of good people. Let's keep it that way.

Trust your own eyes and ears. Trust your own knowledge and experience. Think for yourself and question everything.


Coronavirus: Northern Italy quarantines 16 million people

Italy expands travel restrictions to cover whole country as coronavirus outbreak worsens

Coronavirus 'containment zone' in New York county to shut down for 2 weeks, undergo cleaning

Washington county recommends all 2.2M residents to work from home, tells over 60's to stay indoors

Health officials confirm 1st COVID-19 case in Nebraska
(sick 10 days before pneumonia)

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