Life Insurers Confirm Young Excess Deaths


Looking at three reports (see sources at the end) issued by the American Society of Actuaries (the people who set life insurance premiums), in regard to deaths in 2020-2022 revealed that deaths not attributed to Covid were 21.4% higher than normal in 2021. Data from the last quarter of 2022 in the 35 to 44 year old age range showed there was 34% excess deaths in total. This can be seen in the graphs below where there is clearly excess mortality above the base line (dotted line).

Now these are clearly huge numbers.

We have the most complete data from 2020 and 2021 at present. Excess mortality is calculated using an actual to expected ratio (A/E ratio) using data from 2015-2019.

Looking at the graphs below, the dotted lines show what we would expect for a particular period of time. This graph shows clearly that for 2020 and 2021 it’s well above what we would expect for these groupings.



The vaccine rollout began in 2021, so surely (all being well) we would expect deaths to decrease. It should therefore be of immediate concern that the opposite is demonstrably true. With regard to an assessment by the actuaries these excess deaths are not considered to have anything to do with Covid.

However they have not taken it any further than that and tried to ascribe reasons to the causes of these excess deaths. To put it crudely, you would think that they would want to do that in order to assess the risks in regard to increasing certain premiums in regard to life insurance policies. That is after all what they do!

Most of the data they have collected derives from the CDC (Center for Disease Control), although they also have their own independent data gathered from life insurance claims.


The chart (above) for older people (in this instance women) doesn’t revel any excess deaths attributable to non-Covid reasons. This is not surprising because we know that older people were more likely to die from Covid. So therefore they are the cohort most likely to have already died, even from Covid or with Covid.

This data revealing excess deaths amongst a younger cohort is not exclusive to the US. We have seen it in the UK, Europe, Israel, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and so on.

April to December 2020
April to December 2020 – the worst part of the plandemic the A/E was 122%. Mostly old people. For the full year the figure was 116.4% of which 13.3% was due to/with Covid and 3.1% were not Covid related. For the full year of 2021 the figure was 117%.

The figures are very similar and we can see that the vaccine roll out in 2021 did not bring those excess deaths down at all.

For some reason the age group with the highest A/E was ages 35-64. Although it should be noted that in 2021 excess deaths were higher in all age groupings.

March 2022
Data up to March 2022, when with the plandemic being over we would hope to see a big drop off, was actually 115.2% (all ages) and excluding Covid. October to December 2022 we see 34% excess mortality in the 35 to 44 age group.



That the excess is weighted towards younger people undermines the argument that the excess mortality is a hangover from people’s inability to access healthcare during the plandemic. If that was the case would we not see equal (if not higher) deaths in older people who have a greater need for healthcare?

2022 Cause of Death Report

The Actuaries Society has published a 2022 Cause of Death Report.

  • Cancer deaths, usually in the range of 102% were 105% of expected. Not a large percentage but does equate to a large number of people given the prevalence of cancer.

  • Cardiovascular deaths are 4% higher than expected.

  • Other non-communicable diseases were 10% lower than expected. Probably an indication that the people most susceptible to this had already succumbed of/with Covid.

  • Deaths from diabetes as high as 30% (reflecting a general trend in western society eating a highly processed diet high in sugar). Although that doesn’t fully explain this much higher than expected number.

  • Nervous system disorders were also as high as 30% greater than expected.

  • Respiratory deaths in line with expected. This tallies with data from the UK. This might be explained that those most susceptible to respiratory death already died due to/with Covid.

The report didn’t mention deaths from liver disease which UK data has revealed to have increased substantially.

One bright spot was that deaths by suicide were noticeably lower during the plandemic.

The Elephant in the Room


Once again we are left with the elephant in the room! None of these bodies (like the Actuary Society) can publicly state that there is a link between the vaccine roll out and the increase in excess mortality.

One, they would be accused of undermining public confidence in the vaccines. Second, despite all the mounting evidence, it is literally heresy to link the vaccine to the excess deaths. As we stand, at this point in our society, very few have the courage to accept that they were fooled. Even fewer want to face the reality that these vaccines were purposively designed to cull the herd.


To view the sources for the graphs used and to access the SOA research follow these three links;

2020-2021 Excess Deaths in the U.S. General Population by Age and Sex
Group Life COVID-19 Mortality Survey Report
2022 Cause of Death Report

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