
We are now 30 weeks into 2023 and the excess deaths story continues.

As of week 30 there have been image.png excess deaths in the UK compared to the average over the last five years.

image.png British people dead.

In all but three weeks the average was well above normal with a high of 26.4% in week two, and in those three weeks the under average was minimal.

These are openly available data taken from three official sources – the OECD, Our World in Data from Oxford University and the UK National Statistics. They all show the same picture.

image.png people have died already this year who shouldn’t have.

In 2020 at the height of the “pandemic” 20,000 people died of (or with) Covid. Even these deaths are questionable however, as there were no autopsies conducted and the general standards for signing a death certificate were significantly reduced.

30 weeks into 2023 and there have been image.png excess deaths in the UK, but where are the pictures in the newspapers? Where is the outcry?

Whilst during the “pandemic” the majority of people dying from/with Covid were old people, generally already suffering from several health problems. The image.png excess deaths in the UK comes from all age ranges.

To be clear these deaths are not attributable to Covid which has come by and large to resemble the cold and is now endemic in the UK.

From the Office of Health Improvement comes data revealing how this excess mortality is being experienced across all age ranges.

Ages 0-24


Ages 25-49


Ages 50-64 – Here its even more noticeable how many weeks are considered to be in excess.


Ages 65-74


Ages 75-84


Latest News

The latest news from the UK is that there is to be a parliamentary debate on the issue of the excess deaths. I can imagine how few MPs will be present given this is not an issue that those in power want people to be concerned with.

Heavens above their constituents might start asking questions then!

This will be taking place on the 20th October and it comes as the result of MP Andrew Bridgen who has pushing for this debate for nine months. Of course it’s been scheduled for a Friday afternoon!

He’ll be speaking for the image.png British people who have died so far this year. Plus the excess deaths that occurred in 2021 and 2022.

Will this break the silence and we will get an avalanche of news coverage or will it be the case that the government can say they have now addressed the issue and then go onto bury it (excuse the unintended pun).

Will we see a mass walk out of parliament? Well of those who are still there on a Friday afternoon and not already down the pub or at the golf club. There will probably be those who say they are doing work for their constituents. However, the excess deaths are taking place in every constituency. This topic is one of those rare issues that affects everyone in the county – young or old, rich or poor.

It’s an absolute disgrace. From where I’m standing they are all praising the Emperor’s new clothes and few will dare stand up to expose what these naked statistics uncover.
image.png excess deaths in the UK in 2023 alone.

Their families deserve attention, they deserve answers. We all do.


Office for National Statistics

Our World In Data

OECD Stats
I couldn't access this last link but hopefully you can so I'm including it anyway.

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