HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE: Then and Now - "India: COVID-19 cases plummet as the country turns to Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine"

I've mentioned numerous times that I'm pretty sure my family and I had what is being called COVID-19 in early January of 2020. This was a couple of months before the CDC or WHO had anything about it on their website. I was well aware of something going on at least a month before they finally decided to post anything.


At first I was concerned and my family and I were wearing masks. My sons worked at a convenience store and would wear full on gas mask looking things. They were getting a lot of funny looks, and a little bit of hazing and taunting. They'd mention that something was going around and how the family had been sick. They would mention China. People would shrug it off because they hadn't heard it from an official source.


I kept following it and eventually came to the conclusion the masks likely would not help in this case and had the potential to cause other problems. We stopped wearing them.

BAMM!!!! The news finally woke up. The CDC had finally put some material on the website. My work is telling me to "Look at the CDC site and follow those guidelines". The guidelines initially were not that bad and we had already been doing them. Yet I found it interesting that ONLY when the CDC said something did they actually take anything seriously. I mean who am I? What can I possibly know? Even if I was a scientist I could still be a nobody? Yet if I have the CDC behind me suddenly I am worth listening too... It didn't really matter that I'd seen the director of the CDC being very political and not scientific at all in the couple of years before that. She was clearly one of those anti-Trump people. Can't let science get in the way of a chance to bash Trump. Can't let science present evidence that might vindicate him either. "Hold off on that report a bit". "Can you phrase that in some way that makes it more menacing?" You get the idea.


Then I started hearing about Hydroxychlorquine, Zinc, and an Antibotic as a cocktail. Many people testing it in their clinics had 100% success rates against COVID with it. I dug into it some more. I found out it was very inexpensive. It had been around for many decades. It was approved for OFF LABEL usage. It was initially an anti-malarial drug. It is used by people with lupus and arthritis as well. It has been around so long that they are very familiar with side effects and proper dosing.

A problem for the industry planning to make billions/trillions... It can be obtained as a generic. It is super inexpensive. It works better than the drugs they are rushing to market such as Remdesivir. (Anthony Fauci has a stake in that drug by the way)

It also kills the need to panic. Fear is extremely important here. They need a way to make people afraid enough to ignore the violation of their rights. They can use fear to make them lock up, wear masks, and attack others they see not wearing masks, or getting too close.

Fear works for them. Most people seem to get stupid when they are afraid. Stupid means easy to manipulate and control.

Yet I knew about HCQ + Zinc at this time. My fear was gone. They had a highly effective treatment.

And then Trump spoke...

To the media, and the anti-Trumpers anything Trump did or said should be attacked. He was like the ALWAYS wrong machine for them. At least that is what they project and their actions would seem to indicate.

Trump spoke about Hydroxychloroquine as potentially the cure we were looking for.

The media bashed that. They attacked it endlessly.


A wife in Arizona gave her husband some fish bowl cleaner that had a chemical name in it similar to Hydroxychloroquine but not quite. He died. There is a possibility since then that she may have intended to kill him. Regardless of motive...

The media jumped in. "See Hydroxychloroquine is bad and Trump is telling people to take fishbowl cleaner!!"

Both were lies...
and no surprise.

(I couldn't resist the urge to rhyme there)


Doctors speak out

They trot out their paid doctors to speak on their shows. They tell you about the various side effects of HCQ and add over emphasis on how often or severe these things are. They also point out that if you overdose it can kill you.

The funny thing is that you could run that same narrative on ANYTHING.

If you take things there may be side effects. (Even good things - some people have allergies)
You can overdose on ANYTHING.

So instead of saying that the dosages are well known, the side effects are well known and manageable they made it sound like everyone was going to overdose and die and have horrible side effects.

The majority of the side effects that occur are short term, and not even remotely as bad as COVID symptoms. They are also rare.

Yet keep in mind it was inexpensive and readily available.

Now: India -- The reason I wrote this post

India has been getting hammered by a huge COVID outbreak including an increase in hospitalizations and death. It should be noted that this is after over 160 million doses of a vaccine that is in India (It is not one of the 4 in the U.S.) was administered. It is however another one of those mRNA experiments as far as I was able to determine.

After and during that they get hammered by COVID.

Apparently they have stopped with this...

They have started using Hydroxychloroquine + Ivermectin (anti-biotic) and are seeing massive recoveries.





Remember how they blamed massive deaths on Trump...

This was often their clarion cry for why you should vote against him.


Remember when Cuomo, Whitmer, and several other governors mandated that COVID positive people should be sent into nursing homes among the most vulnerable population??

Remember when Trump suggested HCQ + Anti-biotics and they ridiculed and bashed him for it? They even went so far as to ban and make HCQ unavailable...


And still they blamed Trump for the deaths...

Then Trump started pushing Operation Warp Speed and these insane experiments. They didn't leave him much of an out as a "leader" to be seen doing something good. When he actually did good they would say it was bad.

Those deaths

Those deaths they blamed on Trump...

Proper blame was on the media, anti-Trumpers, and big pharma.

That death count belonging to them is increasing...

EDIT: Side note... notice in those charts I added from the article they say "After Ivermectin"? They still are avoiding the truly important ingredient. The Hydroxychloroquine. It has been used in conjunction with many different anti-biotics with great success. It is almost like they want to push a specific anti-biotic so they can avoid crediting the HCQ and potentially Ivermectin is more expensive?

Let's see...

  • Azithromycin - As low as $6.82
  • Ivermectin - As low as $25.89

It is not terribly expensive. It is definitely a definite profit leader when compared to Azithromycin which is another anti-biotic I know people have used with HCQ.

Just for completeness...

I tried to price Remdesivir (Fauci's drug)


I kept looking and at meawww.com I found the following paragraph in an article:


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