Thirsty for anti-Trump news, Business Insider goes after a business he has nothing to do with

There is no denying that media was doing a lot better for themselves back when the bad orange man was in office. It seems like everyone was doing pretty well because Trump did something newsworthy or at least opinion worthy almost every day. Biden is boring. No matter how you feel about the guy's politics, he is a dud. The most exciting thing he does is make up words, eat boogers off his own chin on live television, and misread teleprompters.

Business Insider is meant to be a business publication and for the most part it is. However, they, just like anyone else struggling to survive in today's highly competitive and quickly shrinking news market, needs to get a political edge in an attempt to remain relevant. Mostly this is anti-Trump pieces.


They dabble in politics here and there and it is extremely evident where their loyalties lie. In a time where it is getting more and more difficult to actually dig up any dirt on Trump (since that horse was well and truly kicked during his 4 years in office as well as the year prior) certain organizations, like Business Insider are really stretching to find a way to link anything they can to DJT that is negative.

In a recent article, BI writes about how there is a "Pro Trump social media platform that features child pornography."

Ouch! That seems like a pretty horrible claim that would definitely get you in trouble.. There's just one problem with all of this. Being "pro-Trump" is totally subjective since the platform, which I have never heard of before reading this misleading article, is open to everyone. It isn't like you have to prove you are a Trump supporter in order to get in.


The platform in question is called Gettr and I am not going to bother installing it because I have enough shite on my phone already and for the most part I despise social media. I was able to find out all that i needed to know just from reading the Business Insider article.

Their proof of child pornography existing on Gettr is a very weak argument indeed because they don't provide any proof of it actually being there and no, i wasn't expecting images or video but their "proof" that the site contains child pornography doesn't come for examples or even reports from anyone saying that it exists, but only that the platform "does not implement industry standard" moderation tools, which filter out child pornography.

Their proof that the platform contains child pornography stems from a program called PhotoDNA that "flagged 16 images for potentially (emphasis added by me) containing child pornography."

That's it, that is their only proof that the site contains child pornography. They don't mention that there might be other reasons why Gettr doesn't use PhotoDNA, just that they choose not to. It could be expensive, it could be that it is a tool of censorship, it could be that these "industry standards" that Business Insider is trying to emphasize so much is exactly what the management behind Gettr is trying to avoid.

As to the websites / app / platform's affiliation with Trump is concerned - there isn't any. Trump has no financial connection to Gettr and their only connection that BI could make was that it was founded by a former Trump "aide.' They do no specify in what capacity he was an aide to DJT, but the reason why they didn't do that is because it was probably someone of very little consequence and the Don probably doesn't even know who he is.


Trump said this

As an answer to the many people asking, I am not on any social media platform in any way, shape, or form, including Parler, GETTR, Gab, etc.,"

These sorts of articles attempting to connect Trump to a hypothetical situation on Gettr just show to me how desperate the media has become to include Trump in just any story that they possibly can.

It's clickbait of course, because if you bother to read the article (which is shorter than my article about the article) you will see that it is completely devoid of any evidence of any wrongdoing by anyone. It is a hit piece of the worst order. The things being stated by the headline didn't even happen. It is just the fact that it maybe possibly could happen if someone wanted it to that hey are talking about.... that is what their smoking gun is. Basically, Business Insider has written one of the articles that is once again completely devoid of any sort of journalistic integrity.


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