WARNING: Pfizer is quietly shipping new "next generation" injections for 5 to 11 year olds!

Most human children between 5 and 11 years old will be simultaneously injected with a completely untested "next generation" product from Pfizer, being pushed through approval now. Pfizer has announced 3 differences over their regular shipments:

  1. smaller syringe/needle
  2. lower dosage (less fluid injected)
  3. new "next generation" formula

Using smaller syringes and injecting smaller amounts is commonplace with children. The dosage of many medications, including some vaccines, is done by weight. So the only difference worth mentioning is the fact that they've changed the formula... without re-doing all the safety and efficacy trials! Not that they did much testing at all for the regular formula, but now even that nuance of caution has been abandoned.

Hyperspeed rollout planned

Everyone within the age group will be injected in rapid succession, rather than the comparatively-lengthy rollout for adults and teens, using the regular (original) formula. No carrot-dangling or stick-brandishing... just parents bringing kids in to doctor's offices, or being injected one-after-the-other at school clinics.

And no supply issues, which dragged out the adult formula's rollout. Both Canada and the USA have announced they will have the kiddie doses available by approval day (expected next week). Parents have even been asked to pre-register their young children to ensure a "needle goes into every child as quickly as possible". Absolutely frightening.

How can we still claim this is about safety? What's safe about this? You could hardly design a more dangerous scenario than what we're about to purposely put ourselves through.

Do I even need to mention that we're doing this for essentially no reason? No healthy Canadian children have died of Covid. ZERO! It's incredibly rare for children to even notice any symptoms from this virus. Afterward, they have robust and durable immunity that's superior by far to the "vaccines". Besides, we have Ivermectin, which is safe and effective in children, so there's absolutely no reason to fear this virus. Certainly there's no reason to rush a new formula into millions of children at once.

What the corporate media says about it

"Pfizer manufactured the doses with a new formula made specifically for the age group, and with smaller needles." - Action News 5

"Canada's current stock of the Pfizer vaccine likely won't be used for children, according to Canada's Chief Public Health Officer Dr. Theresa Tam. For children between 5 and 11 in the trial, the company used doses one-third the size given to adults. Tam said Pfizer also has made changes to some of the components of its vaccine, which will require further examination. 'We also understand from Pfizer that this actual formulation has shifted. This is a next generation formulation.'" - CBC News

2 years ago you wouldn't have believed this possible

We have no idea what side-effects await the children of the world, unless the side-effects of the regular formula are any indication. No testing, no slow rollout, just a brand new formulation injected into millions of kids - all at once. With different ingredients, we're back to square one, like we were in December 2020 - little clue what will happen. This time, not to our sickly elders, but to our next generation.

What could go wrong? Other than mass deaths, cancers, heart damage, neurological disorders, autoimmune conditions, reproductive problems, developmental delays, autism, the death or sterilization of an entire generation...

Covid is over, but our tyrannical health officers and experts haven't received the memo. There's no rush. No reason to hurry. Too many things could go wrong. Covid doesn't threaten our people or our infrastructure or our economy. The threat is the lockdowns, segregation, loss of personal freedom, and censorship. The threat is rushed "special formulas" pushed by corrupt global pharmaceutical corporations.

Whatever is in those needles, you can NEVER get it out of your kids once it's in. The effects can't be undone - and you don't even know what they are. Nobody does.


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