The health decline is so obvious

Last month, I posted about all the changes I see in people.

The died suddenly documentary just came out, which shows what I'm talking about. Watch it here:

I need to have one of my long rants again...


Almost everyone knows someone who's health suddenly declined sharply, or someone who died. Most of the time, people know more than a couple of people like that. In pharmacies and the doctors office, you hear about people having heart problems, neurological problems, blood clots, never ending fatigue, headaches and migraines, they are constantly under the weather with flu like symptoms, digestive problems and inflammatory eye and skin problems.

There are "help wanted" signs everywhere. In my whole life, I have never seen anything like it. Up until 2021, you could not get a job anywhere, no matter how simple the job might be. There were always way too many unemployed people for each little job opening. Now it's the opposite.

It used to be a sign for good times, like in the 70s, as my Mum told me about. It was easy to get work back then and everyone hired people and they were always looking for more people to hire. People and the economy was doing well back then though. People were free, the prices low and people got through with their income and were able to put some aside as well.

Doctors were also different. Back then, it was common for doctors to visit the sick at home, especially when they were feeling really unwell, or they were elderly. Doctors used to listen to their patients, even if it took a while and they usually didn't dismiss people with their own experiences 99% of the time like doctors do now. And that was already bad before 2020.

The dismissive behaviour from doctors is enough for many people to not even consider going to a doctor anymore. You wait weeks for the appointment of a specialist, then you wait hours in the waiting room, only for the doctor to not even look you in the face, and either dismiss you, or throw meds at you that you said didn't help you anyway, but they still throw them at you. After at the most 5 minutes. More often than not, it's more like 2 minutes.

Now, people who are suffering terribly, for whom every minute, every second is torture, are being dismissed and treated horribly in a striking similar way all over the world. RealNotRare is just one of the places where people are sharing their stories.

People who had existing conditions, pregnant women and people who already suffered adverse events after jabs, were denied exemptions. They were pushed and pushed to get jabbed. People in general, were told to "go to their doctors, to talk about any concerns and to always ask about anything they want to know and to get jabbed" are being completely ignored.


Injured people go months and months, from doctors appointment to doctors appointment, with many emergency room visits in between, and they are dismissed everywhere. Without proper examination, they are usually told it's anxiety or stress. Even though, a simply blood smear test could show that things are not right. But this simple test, which used to be common, is not done at all. Normal blood tests can't show many of the problems these symptoms stem from. Like micro blood clotting and an overall bad condition of blood cells like rolleau formation of the red blood cells and white blood cells that are destroyed. This would at least show that the injured persons symptoms are real.

I'm sure these doctors know very well it's not psychosomatic at all, since they are inundated with people with always the same complaints, that only started in these incredible numbers after the jab roll out. It started with each age cohort separately, in the same way in which the jabs were rolled out. It's visible in official government statistics. These issues came in waves with each age group. Now it's of course all age groups together, with the youngest affected the most.

Therefore it does not matter which insane reason they want to propagate is responsible for the carnage. With the latest one claiming "it's antivaxxers fear mongering that causes these health problems, like blood clots and strokes". Who knew! I'm stunned we didn't all die when the governments of the world unleashed the most severe 24/7 fear mongering campaign ever upon the people!

2022 08 ABV Anything but the vaccines is killing people of heart attacks strokes and blood clots now.png

It's so obvious that things are not right. Anytime I go out I see ambulances, and I overhear people talking about someone dying suddenly, or a young person with a stroke, blood clots or other severe issues. The pharmacy I go to regularly is decimated ever since they all got the new booster and flu jab. They are constantly sick with yet another flu. Even the ones who are there are coughing and sniffling. It's the same everywhere.

Yet, despite being coughed at and always near someone who sniffles, I've not had anything since December 2019, which was the last time I had a very mild flu. I've always had a strong immune system, but after learning about the importance of supplements and how much they actually help your immune system in 2020, I've been taking them.

Other than myself, the only other people who are not experiencing the horrible health issues mentioned above, are all unvaxxed. Every vaxxed person I know is having problems in varying degrees.

The countries with the lowest vax rate, or hardly any vax at all, are all doing well too. All of this is so horrifying and infuriating. It's evil.

I can't fathom that there are still so many who are defending these jabs and all these unscientific measures. Who are still believing all the propaganda.

The truth can't be destroyed, only hidden by lies, deception and censorship. No matter how many times they come out with another insane claim about what's causing the blood clots, heart attacks and strokes, the truth is right there. In the data of the statistics, and in the obvious difference between jabbed and unjabbed people. We are the control group that the pharma industry got rid of in their trials by jabbing them.

There are so many who are compiling the evidence and a time line of everything that has happened. is a huge source of information regarding the whole time line of events since it all began.

Thank you for reading! I just have to get these things off my chest.

Thank you for reading!


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