USA extends requiring proof of vaccination to enter. One of the only countries in the world to do so

Aren't we past this? Hasn't it been shown time and time again that the restrictions that various nations put on entry as far as vaccinations are concerned been shown to have had no effect on Covid? It seems to me that almost every country in the world has kind of admitted in a half-assed way that they were wrong even though they never actually admitted any wrongdoing. To me, this action by the US government is like a little kid who once they are shown that they are incorrect about something and even when the kind already knows that they are wrong that they still stick to their guns because they are a stubborn brat.

Well congratulations USA, you are the spoiled brat of the world.

On the 29th of April the US government announced what was meant to be a dropping of vaccine requirements but instead doubled, nay quadrupled down on "updating" it instead.

The new requirement is that non-citizens of the United States have to show proof of one vaccine before boarding a flight to the USA.


I'm one of those crazy conspiracy theorists that believe that the United States was instrumental in forcing the rest of the world to over-react to an illness (if it is even real - I don't want to get into that) and that they were the driving force behind the destruction of the livelihoods of millions of people around the world.

When other countries were easing restrictions or never initializing them in the first place, the USA would be the first one to start wagging their fingers and telling everyone how terrible it was that those countries didn't care about their population enough even though the data that was available showed that it made very little difference what various countries did. The ones that locked down the hardest saw the same spread as the ones that didn't do anything and when the data started piling up to show that this was the case, the government and the media simply stopped talking about it.

The EU, Canada, China, and most of the rest of the world do not have a vaccine requirement to enter their countries. In a few very rare instances the countries require negative tests 48 hours before departure and that is it.

What the hell is the USA doing? I know that the stars and bars kind of walk to their own drumbeat but they are also the first ones to say something stupid like "follow the science" while simultaneously ignoring any science that doesn't back up what they legislate.

It's kind of like the USA's refusal to use the metric system.

My part of the USA stopped complying with mandates 2 years ago and the government, Federal, State, and local, was unable to force us to comply. I think the US Federal government realized a while ago that individual states are going to ignore their mandates so now they are going to push around anyone that they still have the power to do so to. Personally, I hope that people simply decide to not come to the United States because of this and that any international sporting events hosted by the US get cancelled.

Enough is enough you donkeys.

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