My Fashion Ick šŸ„»šŸ§µ

These days when I scroll through social media, I canā€™t help but notice the recurrent trend of blatantly showing off certain parts of the body that we were raised to cover up. Itā€™s actually impossible to not notice.

When I come across content that belongs to people who dress that way, I begin to wonder at what point our values got lost in translationā€¦

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I would love to put out a disclaimer that the purpose of this post is in no way to degrade or judge a certain group of people. And this post is based on a personal point of view.


Growing up in a Catholic Christian household, I was taught amongst other core values, to dress modestly. The bible says that the body is the temple of the Lord so we should treat is as such. The environment I grew up in further emphasized the importance of modesty through dressing.

It was actually rare to see people walk around ā€“ in my society, as at ten to twenty years ago ā€“ wearing something that didnā€™t cover at least private parts and areas around it. I guess it had to do with our culture and values; that was the norm back then. And it wasnā€™t something we ever thought twice about.

Fast forward to today, somehow people feel completely at ease wearing outfits that showcase private areas of the body. Iā€™m well aware of the fact that there have been people that dress this way all those years ago but the frequency of it has drastically increased with the advent of social media.

And itā€™s sad because the majority of people are ā€œpowerlessā€ when it comes to following trends. When a new one comes out, the celebrities first try it out, and then people see their favorite idols engaging with it and because of the affinity they have for said celebrities, they blindly hop on to it as well.

Some trends are great and innovative, while others, not so much.

Following the crowd will get you nowhere. When you stand for something, itā€™s difficult to fall. Before following certain trends, we need to filter it through our conscience and values. Thatā€™s the essence of holistic self care ā€“ doing the necessary work in order to make every aspect of our lives better, including our spiritual self.

What happened to ā€œDress the way you want to be addressedā€? Or does that not matter anymore. I chose to talk about this because it is seriously getting out of hand and soon we will be bringing children into the world. Some of us already have kids. Are these the behaviours we want our little ones to grow up to emulate?

Big ups to people that stand true to their values when faced with adversities. It can be tough being the only one out of a group choosing to put your foot down and dress modestly instead.

This is a topic that has weighed heavy on my heart for quite a while now and I thought to use this avenue to relay my feelings on the matter. I understand that it is quite controversial therefore some of us might have clashing perspectives and opinions.

I completely respect them and solicit that you do the same.

Thanks for your audiencešŸ˜Š

I would love to know your take on the matter in the comment section down belowšŸ¤—

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