
This week contest really took my attention because every one must love one particular food, fruit and drinks as far as life is concern .i could love to shared my cite of view of those three things i love in accordance to the week contest.
Well as for me , the one and only particular food i could always love to make as a choice even in the next life to come is yam.

Yam is my favorite food either fry, boiled or pounded one. I so much cherish this particular food a lots because it makes me comfortable and i enjoyed eating it. Since i was a child , when ever my mum or dad cook this particular food in the house, I will always be the happiest person through out that day. In fact i can eat this particular food daily for a week without getting tired of it. yam will always be my favourite food no matter how many food i have or ever had in the house, I will always make yam my favorite choice of food in life even if I was given a second chance in the next life.

Secondly after eating my yam, the best fruit i am eager to take is Orange.
Oranges had been my best fruit. I can't eat my favorite food without taken this particular fruits, i love oranges so much and i can go to any extend just to have it or buy it.
I suck the oranges and even go ahead and eat up the succulents which make me f feel I am complete.

If i didn't eat up the succulents, i feel i have wasted my best fruit.
The region where i came from oranges is so rampant, and i feel that what prompted my interest of it. So since I have so much love for this fruit, no body can take it away from me. If we quarrelled and you want us to settle the matter just buy me oranges and the matter will be settled

Thirdly water had been my favorite drink .i cant eat food without it , sometime i feel if water is not closer to me, eating of the food is waste of time and energy devoted to the food.

In fact i drink water before and after eating. I can goes all day long without eating but not without taken my favourite drink which is water 💦 .

Life we have rules and regulations and i also have my rules as far as eatings is concerned .
1:No water
2:no eating.

With the above existing two rules i am free to eat my favorite food which is yam.
So even in my next life these three things will be my favorite. I will always make them my choice of life.
Yam my best food
Oranges my best fruits
And finally water will always be my best drink.
All the pictures above were sources using the above link below each of the picture.

#thank you for visiting.

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