HNW- Workplace

I've had my fair share of good and bad bosses ever since I began working. And I guess it's normal to experience both in your work life. Maybe not in a particular organization but in different organizations as you keep growing or getting new offers at new workplaces.

I wouldn't have loved to talk about my experience in the hands of my boss who I will term as a bad boss because of how I just wish to forget my ordeals with him. But just as the prompt implies I do I'll try to give a glimpse of my ordeal in his hands.

I have this urge of being petty and writing his name but for the sack of peace I'll just stick to the prompt. Because he was the type that barely let you breathe while in the workplace. That thorn in your flesh.

In his words
"You came to work, so you shouldn't be found not working", he will always say to you whenever he finds you trying to catch a break from work, even if it's your lunchtime.

He's the kind of boss that loves to overwork people. He loves you more when you work overtime. He hates to hear you say you've closed for the day. He believes that as his employee, he owns you and your time too. I'm sure if it was possible he'll make you work on a Sunday.

Seriously, it was hell working for him or with him, and I thank God I had to leave that place. I wouldn't want to talk about the harassment involved too. Exactly, the kind your mind is telling you now. But I won't delve into that part.

But it was different with Mrs Adejo. I believe I've written about her in one of my stories which you can find in my timeline.

She was and still is a sweet soul I'm so lucky to have met.

“You know you can talk to me about anything Zerah” she will always say whenever she feels something it's bothering me. And trust me she'll listen, be it work related or not.

She made the working environment conducive for me when I first started working. I never knew she had been watching me fidget and trying to find my ground in a new environment. I was almost sinking, but then she stepped in and threw in that hand of help that helped me up and kept me afloat.

Seriously, for a woman of her calibre, I never knew she could be so humble. Because being the HR was a great position and most HR's are tough. But Mrs Adejo's approach to human resourcing was different. She's calm, caring and ready to listen. But that doesn't mean she doesn't call you out on your bullshit when you're wrong. In fact you might even get a suspension letter if you mess up. But trust me when I say she's truly a mother in the workplace that everyone sings her praises.

And yes she was and still is my best boss.

I wish she could read this, and if she ever gets to read this, then this is me giving her the flowers she deserves.

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