The "I'll never forget" experiences

Certain experiences are very funny when reminisced, cause while writing this "I'm laughing my heart out" hope it doesn't fall out hehe!!!

I'll never forget my very first interview, after my national youth service program, I've been applying for jobs "The funny part is that I didn't know I was gonna be called for an interview" like the mindset I had was just to apply for jobs without expecting to be called upon for an interview. One faithful "Did I just say faithful" Well, it is, so that day I got an email from a company I'd just applied for a role, in the email, they said, "The interview is scheduled to be held in the next two days".

I started preparing for the interview, I browsed some materials online to assist in building my confidence then I called some friends who had passed through this phase before and asked them certain questions. Finally, the day came and I was fully prepared " or partially" maybe both, got to the venue and saw other applicants they emailed as well, sat for a while then it finally got to my turn.

I wasn't informed that these interviewers were gonna be this much "like five persons" for what exactly? When I entered the hall, I greeted every one of them, in a few minutes the questions started coming from different angles, and everything was going smoothly till they asked "Why should we employ you?" at that point, I became confused "In my mind, I was like, "I don't even know why you should employ me" too bad I couldn't remember what happened next, but the thing I remembered was me taking a cab home hehe!!!. After getting home my friends called and were like "How did it go?" I got upset and poured my anger on them cause "I wasn't informed" or maybe "I was misled".

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I'll never forget the moment my mum said "I love you" Now you must be surprised, my mum is an African woman who rarely says I love you to her children, often we'd force her to say the words but then after saying it, she would be like "you know I love you guys even without saying it" when I got admission into the university, after my first semester exams when my results came out, I called my mum and told her about it, my mum was super excited and she didn't know when she said "I love you" my whole heart became merry.

I'll never forget the moment my mum scolded me in the presence of my crush "That moment I wished the ground to open its mouth and just swallow me" That day I did something my mum had always warned me about, now everything was happening inside the house then all of a sudden she went outside to explain it to my aunt, then my aunty called me out and it felt like the scolding started from the beginning again.

You know African parents, the talks started and I was standing there folding my arms then all of a sudden I saw my crush walking closer to where the scolding was taking place, at that moment "Immediately I turned my face to the other so he won't see me" my mum asked me to turn my face back "like why mum".

I'll never forget the first time I got drunk and started seeing things "You can call it visions" Hehe!!! My friends called me that we should have a hangout and just chill out, so I agreed to it, we got to the venue, and the fun started, after a few drinks my eyes started rolling like they wanted to fall off, when my friends noticed it they walked me to my house and when I got to the house, I started seeing butterflies on my sister's head "I was seeing it clearly" then I raised my hands to catch it when my hands landed on my sister's head.

I'll never forget my first breakup when I had to call my entire family to tell them about it, I couldn't eat, and all I was thinking about was my heart in pieces, after a while the hunger I felt made me realize that "hunger is worse than breakup".

Thanks for reading🌹

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